The Ministry Has Fallen

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There was a moment of silence, guests looking between each other, confused smiles and horrified glances painted on faces. Harry and Hermione were already on their feet, wands out as the silver lynx disappeared from the tent as quickly as it had arrived.

I turned towards the first crack a few feet outside of the tent, dozens more taking it's place as guests began to disapparate. My stomach went cold. The protective enchantments around the Burrow had broken. Anyone could apparate in and out.

I felt the hand close around my wrist, fingers sliding into mine as, without warning, Fred spun on his heel, dragging both of us back through the familiar tight darkness. After a moment, my feet hit the stone steps of Diagon Alley, glancing at once up towards the flat I hadn't laid eyes on in over a week now.

Fred was spinning wildly, wand still raised as he checked over the empty streets before rushing towards the door and pulling out the key, pushing it through the lock before I could stop him.

"What are you doing?" I called, reaching for him and turning the key in his hand to stop him from unlocking the door.

"You're going upstairs. I'll come get you-"

"I am not?" I shot him a glare, watching his shoulders sink in a deep sigh. "Fred, we talked about this! We said, after last time, we're not splitting up anymore-"

"I know, Cassidy, but this... They're coming to the house, and I don't want you there!" He yelled, neither of us seeming to care if there was anyone around the empty village on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

"I don't want you there! Or your family. But they're all there, and we shouldn't be here!" I argued, pulling my wand out as Fred's eyes widened.

"Don't!" He screamed, lunging towards me as I stepped backwards. "Cassidy, can you... Just let me..." He ran his fingers through his bangs with a groan. "I have to go back."

"I'm coming with you. They're my family too!" I reached for him, not giving him the chance to apparate without me. He let his gaze linger on our hands for a few seconds before nodding.

"Okay." He breathed, his eyes clouded with fear in a way I was unused to seeing. "Stay close to me and be careful and if it gets too bad, you come back here okay? And wait for me to come get you."

I nodded, though I had no intention of coming back here without him. Leaving the Weasley's to fend for themselves. Fred's hand squeezed mine tightly before we arrived outside of the tent, wands raised as we scanned over the group. The group we had left only minutes before was now no more than a dozen, surrounded by dark-cloaked wizards with the same masks from the World Cup and the Department of Mysteries. Colorful streams of light cascaded around the tent, soaring over heads and crashing against the overturned chairs and tables.

"Stop!" Fred hissed, yanking my arm back before I had taken a second step, pressing the silver flask into my grip. "You're getting blonder." He turned back to the crowd as I chugged down a heavy sip of the potion, coughing as Fred sent a hex soaring towards the tent, a few of the dark wizards spinning towards us, allowing Ginny the chance to sink one of them to their knees with a loud groan of pain.

"Incarcerous!" The wizard shot towards the youngest Weasley, ropes erupting from his wand as Ginny lunged away a second too late, crashing to the ground, her arms bound behind her.

"Oi!" I heard George scream from deeper inside the tent, a blast of red hit the Death Eater's face as he was blown backwards, his body sliding over one of the tables.

"Incarcerous!" I aimed for the wizard, lying still on the ground. I wasn't sure what George had hit him with, but I didn't want him waking up a few seconds later.

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