Don't Ignore Me

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We worked for what felt like twenty minutes until our stomachs began to growl and Hermione pulled her sleeve back to announce it was almost time for dinner.

"Already? We've barely made a dent." I murmured, looking at my work again.

"I'm nearly done." Hermione's paper indeed was about three times the length of mine.

"I'll be up all night." I let out a sigh mixed into a laugh as I rolled up my parchment and stuffed it into my bag, leading Hermione back to the stairway.

"You two been studying up there this whole time?" Ron's mouth dropped as his knight moved across the board in between him and Harry.

"Yes, Ronald, and I doubt your paper for tomorrow is even close to being finished?" She lectured as we stood before them to wait for their game.

"It's good as it's going to get, that's game then Harry. Good try."

"Why do I even play with you anymore?" Harry shook his head, watching Ron's pieces jump across the board in celebration, smashing up some of Harry's pieces as they went.

"You coming to dinner then?" Hermione sounded as though she was nagging, but I knew we were both just starved.

"Yes, we haven't eaten in hours!" Ron jumped up from his seat before Harry could even blink.

"You eating with us, Cassidy?" Harry's green eyes met mine.

"Well, I should probably go find my roommates, I haven't seen them yet today..."

"Oh, come on, eat with us, Fred and George will be ecstatic." Hermione shot me a sly smile and I glared at her, though I felt my face turning pink now.

"Fred and George?" Harry questioned as the four of us crossed through the portrait hole and headed for the staircase.

"Oh, haven't you noticed? They've quite taken to her." Hermione bounced down the stairs with Ron and Harry looked to my eyes again.

"I'd stay away if you know what's good for you, Cassidy." Ron looked up at me. "Mum always says any girl who'd settle down with the twins would have to be absolutely menta- ouch!" He stopped when Hermione elbowed him in the ribcage.

I glanced to the Hufflepuff table to see my friends had already started on their dinners, Bri shooting me a wink as I walked with Harry, Ron and Hermione to their usual spot. No one was there yet, so I took a seat next to Hermione and Harry and Ron took theirs across from us. No sooner than we had reached for our goblets, the glasses filling with water and pumpkin juice between the four of us, plates piled high with chicken and pasta appeared before us.

I hesitated and let the boys and then Hermione grab food first out of habit. Back home, I would always serve myself last.

"What's wrong, lil Cassy? Not hungry?" Fred's voice rang over the already roaring dinner tables as he dropped into the seat next to me, George claiming the spot on Hermione's side.

"I am." I kept my eyes off of the red-head, praying not to blush at his unexpected closeness. This was the first time I had seen him since Halloween night, and of course we had to be this close again.

"Eat up then girl!" George shoveled his plate full of the pasta drizzled with sauce and grabbed two pieces of chicken to top it off before shoving the platters down to Fred and I.

"Go ahead." I pushed the food towards him, knowing that it would replenish itself the second we got close to running out, but part of my subconscious would still always make sure everyone else got their fill first.

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