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A/N: Oops, sexual content ahead. I had no plan for this chapter and then all of the sudden they were in a broom closet?? Sorry! Skip ahead if you're uncomfy - I'll put some bold stars when it's over & we return to the story.

Also - getting close to where everything gets TERRIBLE - aka more interesting! Stick with me!

Ginny's foot tapped quickly on the edge of the bed. The only occupied bed in the hospital wing. Ron's bed. Harry had searched the entire school before he found us, Hermione, Ginny and I, pulling us along towards the infirmary, despite his complaints that Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let us in. Finally, after nearly three hours sat in the hallway outside of the silent room, she flung the door open and waved us inside, nodding towards the bed where Ron was fast asleep, quiet snores filling the room.

"Couldn't keep yourselves out of trouble for just one day, could ya?" The familiar voice rang through the empty room, my neck snapping towards the doorway so fast I was surprised I hadn't snapped it in half.

"Oh, Fred, don't make jokes." Molly's voice dripped with worry as she pushed past the twins, Arthur on her heels.

I stood from my spot, half to offer Molly my seat, but mostly to get to Fred. It had been nearly two months now without him, yet I hated the fact that this was what it had taken to see him again. I flung myself at the tall boy, feeling his arms circle my waist, squeezing me tight at his side and planting a kiss to my head.

"How is he?" Fred asked at the same time as Molly, her voice much louder even as Fred's was against my ear.

"He's going to be fine, Molly. Thanks to Mr. Potter." Madam Pomfrey explained, setting a soft hand against Harry's shoulder which he ignored, still staring down at his friend.

"Harry," Molly cried, flinging herself at the boy who stood up to return her hug. "What would we do without you? You saved Ginny, you saved Arthur, now you've saved Ron!" Her voice was wobbly, each word punctuated by a small sob.

"Half our family does seem to owe you their lives, now I stop and think about it." Arthur agreed, thoughtfully, "Well, all I can say is that it was a lucky day for the Weasleys when Ron decided to sit in your compartment on the Hogwarts Express, Harry."

I had never seen Harry looking so uncomfortable, attempting a smile to the Weasley's before quickly returning his gaze to Ron. Luckily for the dark haired boy, Molly and Arthur announced that they were off to talk to Dumbledore, but would be back soon to stay with Ron, Madam Pomfrey promising to send for them if he woke up before they returned.

"So all in all, not one of Ron's better birthdays?" Fred stole my old seat, pulling my hand gently until he could guide me onto his lap, resting his chin on my shoulder to look down at his brother.

"Yeah, this isn't how I imagined handing over his present." George muttered, setting a large wrapped present on the bedside table, flicking his wand slightly as a chair pulled up beside Ginny's from the other side of the room.

"Well, when I pictured the scene, he was conscious." I could practically hear the smile forming on Fred's face behind me, thankful that no one else seemed to notice, as Harry and Hermione seemed especially down, the curly haired girl sniffing and wiping at her nose every few minutes.

"Can't believe they won't let you all to Hogsmeade anymore. What good is having free time if you have to spend all of it studying?" George changed the subject, hoping to distract the group.

"Can't really blame Dumbledore," Harry answered, still sounding disappointed. "First Katie, and now Ron? It's even getting dangerous inside Hogwarts."

The next half hour was spent discussing the two attacks, Hermione firing off facts at once as if she had been drawing up the connections in her mind the entire day.

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