The Inquisitorial Squad

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A/N: This one is very boring as it reads just like the book. I shortened conversations where I could, but it felt weird to skip through the boring stuff just to get to the fun. Feel free to skim through or skip this completely, I promise the next chapter will be good!

"Voldemort's got Sirius."

"What?" Ron hissed.

"How d'you-"

"Saw it. Just now. When I fell asleep in the exam." Harry sounded out of breath, but I doubted it was from the sprint here. He launched into an explanation of his dream, or... vision, rather. Voldemort had Sirius at the Department of Mysteries. The same place Mr. Weasley had been attacked. He was torturing Sirius, forcing him to get some weapon for him. "How are we going to get there?"

"G-get there?" Ron asked, scanning our faces quickly.

"Get to the Department of Mysteries! So we can rescue Sirius?" Harry answered, loudly. Obviously no longer caring who heard us.

"Harry..." Hermione started slowly, "How did Voldemort get into the Ministry of Magic without anybody realizing?"

"How do I know?" Harry was shouting now. "The question is how we're going to get there!"

"But Harry... think about this," Hermione took a step towards him and then back again, obviously very nervous to infuriate the boy any more. "It's five o'clock in the afternoon... The Ministry must be full of workers... How could Voldemort and Sirius have got in without being seen? Harry, they're probably the two most wanted wizards in the world. They can't get into a building full of Aurors undetected-"

"I dunno, Voldemort used an Invisibility cloak or something! Anyway, the Department of Mysteries has always been empty when I've been-"

"You've never been there Harry, you've dreamed about the place. That's all." Hermione said, quietly, shooting Ron a look as if asking for his back up.

"You've dreamed about the room before?" I asked, more confused than ever before.

"They're not normal dreams!" Harry roared, his eyes flashing angrily at Hermione. "How d'you explain Ron's dad, then?"

I felt my teeth sink into my lip, Ron's face paled.

"He's got a point..." Ron said softly.

"Harry..." Hermione started, looking back to me as if I would be able to help at all. "It's just..."

"Spit it out, Hermione, we're wasting time!"

"Voldemort knows you Harry. He knows how you are. You went into the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny, you risked your life to bring Cedric's body back last year right in front of him... He knows you would go to Sirius's aid. What if he's just trying to lure you to the Department of-"

"Hermione, it doesn't matter if he's done it to get me there or not - they've taken McGonagall to St. Mungo's, there isn't anyone left from the Order at Hogwarts who we can tell, and if we don't go, Sirius is dead!"

The classroom door opened once more revealing Ginny and Luna, the former's eyebrows raised so high she looked almost exactly like Molly did when she discovered Fred and George doing something sneaky.

"What are you yelling about?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Never you mind." Harry shot back, hardly looking towards her.

"There's no need to take that tone with me," She replied, casually. "I was only wondering whether we could help."

"Well, you can't." Harry snapped.

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