Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

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I pulled a long black coat on over Fred's quidditch hoodie, the one he had left with me months ago after their first game. I was wearing leggings underneath my jeans in an attempt to stay warm in the stands today. It was officially February, and the weather was showing it. Gone were the light flurries of snow, replaced with the howling winds and sub zero temperatures.

The girls had warned me last night not to wake them, claiming that a Gryffindor Ravenclaw game wasn't worth waking up early on their Saturday and sitting outside in the cold.

I scurried down the stairs to meet Ron and Hermione for breakfast, trying not to let myself feel disappointed knowing that the boys would already be down on the pitch. After scarfing down a few muffins and some oatmeal we were on our way down the path to the stands, the Quidditch hoops soaring above us in the distance.

"So Ron, who's going to win?" I asked, tucking my gloved hands in my pockets and turning to the red haired boy on the other side of Hermione.

"Gryffindor, obviously." He exclaimed, looking at me like I was dumb.

"He's only saying that since Harry has the Firebolt back." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"He's the youngest player in a century on the fastest broom known to wizard kind." Ron rambled on as we reached the stands, climbing the steps to our usual place at the top.

I was more nervous for this game than I had been for any of Hufflepuffs, simply because of the bad mood the twins and Harry would be in for the rest of term if they lost. I had heard Fred and George rant for hours the last week about this being their last shot, that if they lost this game, they'd be out of the running for the Quidditch Cup.

We heard the shrill whistle echo through the stands as the teams shot into the air, the Firebolt soaring above them instantaneously. Harry sped in and out of the players, gaining height in the pitch, but my eyes were on the beaters. The one beater in particular.

"Show her your acceleration, Harry!" His voice rang through the stadium, and I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

Harry narrowly avoided a bludger, and I watched George whack the flying ball across the field without a care in the world.

The Ravenclaw seeker, Cho Chang, mirrored Harry's every move, despite her broom being no match for the Firebolt's speed. It was clear her plan was to stalk Harry rather than find the snitch herself.

"That's a terrible plan she's got, if they both see it at the same time, she's no match for the Firebolt." Ron analyzed from a few seats down on the bench. "Oi, he's spotted it!"

The three of us, or rather, the entire student body in the stands watched as Cho followed Harry in his dive for the snitch, and Ron was right. Her broom had no chance.

Hermione and I gasped almost in unison when we saw the cloaked figures along the bottom of the field right below Harry. Before I could even begin to worry about Harry possibly falling from his broom again, he was pointing his wand below him, still flying towards the golden snitch. An enormous silver light exploded from his wand, soaring down towards the 'Dementors' as Harry closed his fist around the snitch.

The group of students around us dressed in red jumped from their seats, Ron pushing past them to be one of the first on the field. Hermione and I scrambled through the crowd until we reached the team, all reaching to pull on Harry's robes, Ron yanking his arm into the air and screaming bloody murder.

"Harry, that was insane!" I shouted, hoping he could hear any of my words over the cheers.

"That was quite a Patronus." A voice came from behind me, and Harry's eyes lit up as I turned to see Professor Lupin beaming down at him.

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