A/N (There's a bunch of tea in this one)

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As you all know, i've been gone for a few months, possibly longer. And, I have returned to tell you my tale that explains my disappearance! Ya'll are gonna LOVE this....I think...

So, from the beginning:

My family and I had moved to Florida back in September/October. And us moving meant a whole new school, with brand new earthlings. At first, I was like "meh" about it, because I have never been the new kid before.

Its not like the movies....

For the whole ENTIRE time I existed at that school, I didn't make a single friend. I wanted to, but everyone had their own groups. But, my brother was able to just go up to random people, and become best buddies with them.

As the months past, I was alone and by myself. My brother had one friend, who had developed a crush on me. At first I was like, "Okay, why not?" He would've been my very first friend. But this dude....brought psycho to a whole new level.

We weren't even dating, and this dude was already saying lovey dovey stuff. He was even writing love letters and poems to me, and giving them to me. And they said a lot of gooey love stuff. I kinda wanted to vomit, tbh.

My gut was telling me to tell him I didn't like him like that. And, I followed my gut. He kept saying stuff and was giving me the feeling were something wasn't right, and I needed to block him. And I did.

That pissed him off....

He began bullying me, and my brother. He did try to ask me out (again), and I said no. That pissed him off more. He stopped bullying my brother, but came after me. My brother has epilepsy, so I wanted to stay with him in the morning, incase he had a seizure.

This dude literally was telling me why cant I just go away, and that no one wanted me there. When I snapped and said that I was only there for my brother incase he had a seizure, he literally started saying a lot of shit. (I cant remember what he said. It was months and months ago)

There was one morning, where my brother and i got breakfast. And like always I followed him to the table where Psychopath was. I asked my brother if he could open something for me. And while he's doing that, Psychopath decided to go and rip my food out of my brothers hands, and open it and start touching it with his own hands.

I was able to get a dean (a person who walks around making sure no kids are being bad noodles) to get Psychopath to stay away from me, and leave me alone for the rest of the year.

Oh btw, may I also add that he thought it was a good idea to tell me that his long time ex girlfriend committed the unalive infront of him...AT THE SCHOOL.

During April, I had met someone on an app called Hoop. (Don't recommend, unless you like seeing a lot of humans holding fish). Lets call him R. Now, when I say this man was so fine, I MEAN IT!

We snapped every single day, and HAD a streak of 161-162. Which is a first for me, tbh. We had even become each others bestfriends on Snap. Had the emoji's and everything.

Turns out, he was going to college in Florida (like me) and it was in the same town I was living in. So, we had made plans to meet up and hang out when he got down here with his family. (His parents had bought a home a few towns over, so we couldn't hang out right away)

CONFESSION 1: Tbh, we did exchange ✨spicy✨ pics, after we had talked and gotten to know each other a lot. And, we both trusted each other with said pics. But even if he did show his friends, at least I looked amazing in those pics *chief kiss*💋

There were a few times where I thought he was using me for my body, and he said, AND I FUCKING QUOTE:

"I must have it down bad if I ghosted you after having sex."

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