OneShot #17 (Smut)

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Requested by:babygrill_Strawberry

Summary: Chad gives you a love potion, but instead of looking at him, you end up looking at Harry, and blah blah blah SMUT DOESNT STOP CUMMING!!!!!

3rd POV

Love potion. Something so simple. Just a little bottle, filled with liquid, that can make someone fall in love with you, just by taking a sip. At the same time, its the most stupidest thing in the world. Having someone fall in love with you, that probably doesn't love you. Fake love, is one way to call it. But, in the end, the potion wears off, or is broken by some kiss.

Here in Auradon, Chad Charming was pouring some love potion, into Y/N's cup. She had gotten up, to use the bathroom, giving him the chance to pour the liquid into her drink. Chad made sure, that this potion, was one where she has to look at him. In the distance, Harry Hook was watching this happen. He has had a crush on Y/N, and he wanted to tell her, but that would make him weak. Or, look weak.

But, he had to do something, seeing that the liquid being poured into the cup, was Love Potion. When Y/N got back, and sat down, Harry stoodnup, and quickly ran over to her. Chad was sitting across the table, and started to get excited seeing her pick up the cup. But, thankfully, Harry made it over in time. Y/N had took a sip out of the cup, but when Harry got there, she looked up at him.

He could tell the potion was taking effect, thinking she'll be all over Chad. To his surprise, Y/N stood up, and threw her arms around him. "Good going Harry. You ruined my plan!" Chad stood up, and glared at him. Y/N, seeing someone being nasty towards HER Harry, stopped hugging him, and kicked Chad right in the balls. "Oh damn shit," Chad said, falling to the ground, clutching his area.

Harry took Y/N's hand in his, and both walked away, to go find someone who knew magic. That wasn't Fairy Godmother. He knocked on the girls door, which Evie answered. "Is Mal here?" "Yeah. Come in. Hey Y/N," Evie said, closing the door behind the two. Thats when she noticed, his hand holding hers. "So, you finally told Y/N!" He turned around, facing Evie. "No. You'll know in a sec. MAL!"

Mal looked up from her spell book, not at all amused. "WHAT!" Evie let out a laugh, making Mal smile. "Did you, by any chance, give Chad some kind of potion?" Mal thought for a moment, and stood up, going over to her desk. She took out a piece of paper, and handed it to Harry. "This is what he gave me, along with some money for it."

"Can I see your spell book?" Harry let go of Y/N's hand, who whined and wrapped her arms around him, as he took the spell book that Mal handed him. He flipped through the pages, till he found bit of a page ripped out that was ripped out. "Your missing the bottom part, of this page," he said, handing the book back to Mal. "What the actual fuck!" She took the paper out of Harry's hand, and the ripped edges fit together perfectly.

"So, I made Fuckface Dickarming, a love potion." Mal had the paper stick out a little, so she could find it later to fix it, as she tossed the book on her bed. "Which he put in Y/N's drink, and I saw him do so. When I went to stop her, I sort of made it in time," he stopped, looking at both Evie and Mal. "I didn't make it in time, to stop her from drinking it. But, I made it in time, so instead of her looking at Chad, she looked at me...and well..."

They all looked at Y/N, who was still hugging on to Harry. He wrapped a arm around her, glad that she wasn't clinging onto Chad, but clinging onto him. "I can try to make a potion, that'll make the love potion, go away. But, it'll take me a couple of days," Mal said, sitting back on her bed, picking up her spell book, and flipping through the pages. Harry looked over at her. "Why?" Mal stopped looking, when she foudn what she was looking for, and looked up at Harry.

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