OneShot #38 (Fluff)

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Sorry if this OneShot is short. It was just a small idea that I had.

Song: Never Stop

Y/N and Harry's POV's

This is my love song to you
Let every woman know that im yours

He meant everything to me. He held my heart in his hands, and I trusted him to not crush it. I've been scared of having my heart being broken, but I ended up letting my guard down for one boy.

So you can fall asleep each night, babe
And know I'm dreaming of you more

She meant everything to me. She trusted me with her hurt, but I went and crushed it. I knew that she was scared of havig her heart broken, but she let her guard down for me.

You're always hoping that we make it
You always want to keep my gaze

I thought I would spend forever with him, but it was a simple fairy tale wish. I knew it wouldn't happen. But, why did I believe it would?

Well you're the only one I see
And that's the one thing that won't change

I thought I would be with her forever, but i'm just a villain. Even though she's a villain as well, she still deserves her prince charming. I'm such a jackass.

I'll never stop trying
I'll never stop watching as you leave

He hurt me so much, but I still love him. I need to talk to him. We can figure a way through this. I know we can. It was a mistake, and he's just human. Hopefully, he'll agree to talk.

I'll never stop losing my breath
Every time I see you looking back at me

"You wanted to talk?" She looked so beautiful. I've missed the way how her eyes would shine, how she would laugh at the most random things.

I'll never stop holding your hand
I'll never stop opening your door

"Yes..." All of a sudden, I didn't know what to say to him. I knew that he wouldn't want to try to make anything work. But, I still have to say something to him. "Harry...I wanted to tell you..."

I'll never stop choosing you babe
I'll never get used to you

"Goodbye." The words kept repeating themselves in my head, as I could feel my heart break. It was breaking into a million pieces. "What do you mean?" When she said that we should talk, I thought that we were gonna make something work between us, not this.

And with this love song to you
It's not a momentary phase

"I'm saying goodbye. This is it. We're...over." The words were so hard to say. I know I should say nevermind, and tell him that we cam work something out, but I couldn't help but say the complete opposite. "Why?"

You are my life, I don't deserve you
But you love me just the same

I could feel the tears start to form, as I waited for her to respond. "Because...what we had...meant nothing to you." I couldn't believe what she was saying. "Meant nothing to me? It meant everything to me."

And as the mirror says we're older
I want to look the other way

"Then...why did you do it?" I was on the verge of tears, but I held it in. "...I don't know." "If you don't know...then...we weren't meant for each other." I started to leave, but he grabbed my arm, keeping me from going.

You are my life, my love, my only
And that's the one thing that won't change

"Please don't're all I have." I didn't want her to leave, I wanted her stay. I was hoping for an okay, but I got a different response. "It's painful to ask someone to stay, but it hurts even more knowing you have to let them go."

I'll never stop trying
I'll never stop watching as you leave

My heart shattered even more, after I finished. "Just...why can't we make this work?" Something in me just dropped, and the tears came spilling out. "Because i'm just a tiny ladybug, while you're a huge garden."

I'll never stop losing my breath
Every time I see you looking back at me

My grip on her arm loosened, when I heard those words. "Y/N..." "Harry listen...we may not be close again, but maybe...later...we'll fall back in place again."

I'll never stop holding your hand
I'll never stop opening your door

"I love you Harry, so much. And, it hurts to be saying this...but...this is goodbye. Like I already said...maybe later on, if we decide to...we can try again. But, right's over. Goodbye Harry."

I'll never stop choosing you babe
I'll never get used to you

I should have stopped her again, but I let her go. In the halls, whenever I saw her, we would just make eye contact. But, thats it. I stayed away from the other girls, waiting for Y/N.

You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

Everyday, my heart broke more and more. Everyday, I thought of him. But, I was so scared to get back with him, afraid that he'll break my heart again. I was scared to love.

You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

I kept waiting for her. But, she never spoke to me again. It was during our final year at school, when I saw her with another guy. She looked so happy. And, I knew she had moved on.

For you
I'll never stop trying
I'll never stop watching as you leave
I'll never stop losing my breath
Every time I see you looking back at me

He hasn't been with another girl...for quite some time. Even during the last dance, a few years ago, he didn't have anyone. I looked up at my soon-to-be-husband, and took a breath. "I do."

I'll never stop holding your hand
I'll never stop opening your door
I'll never stop choosing you babe

I saw her again, this time she had a ring on her finger. "You're married?" She looked down at her hand. "Yes." I could feel the tears startig to form. "I've waited for you all these years..." " you don't have to wait. Go find someone, and love you once loved me."

I'll never get used to you
You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

That was the last time I saw him. I don't know if he found love again, or if he decided to be alone. As much as it had hurt, and how I used to love him, the feelings I had for him were gone. At least I thought they were

You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

I didn't bother to find love, because how could I be with someone else, if I still loved Y/N. What she said to hurt. And, I just couldn't help but repeat the words in my head. It was difficult to sleep, cause thats all I could hear. A knock at my door snapped me back. Opening the door, I paused completely. No ring?

For you
You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

"I thought the feelings were gone, but they're still there. I can't help, but keep falling in love with you," I finished, pulling him in for a kiss.

You still get my heart racing
You still get my heart racing

I smiled down at her, as she gave me a smile back. It was finally happening, what i've been waiting to happen for my whole life. Ever since i've met her, this was all I could think about. She said her words, now it was time to say mine. "I do."

For you
Was this good? Anyway, sorry for updating so slow, but i'm trying. I'm just having major writers block. So, sorry about that.

If anyone is looking for any Ethan Nestor x Reader books, I have another account where I have a book for Ethan Nestor. Its a OneShot book, so yeah.

Until the next OneShot!! See you then!!

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