OneShot #36 (Smut)

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I already got a couple requests, which i'm very thankful for, cause i'm glad that you guys know that i'm still alive, and even more smutty, then normal. I'm working on the requests, for those who are waiting. I'll talk more after, at the bottom.

Anyway, if anyone has seen Dirty Dancing, this OneShot is gonna be based off of it. If you haven't, I would suggest watching it, to somewhat understand this OneShot. Not forcing you to watch it, just suggesting it.

You, daughter of Queen Anastasia , has been raised to be a proper young lady. Yet, dancing had changed that. One day, you meet Harry Hook, and he teaches you how to dance. Some smut cums grinding in...i'm still working on new puns......or was that good?

Dress, and shoes, are what you wear for the contest. Just imagine it differently, or in a different color, if you want.

3rd POV

Music. Words being put together, to go with the beat. It was what made her life easier, what made her hips move. It was what allowed her to forget everything, to let her be calm, and not have to worry.

The first time she heard music, was when she was little. There were glittering lights, beautiful people surrounding her, and her ears were filled with heavenly music. She wanted to move her hips, oh so badly, but her mother gave her a stern look, as if reading her mind.

As Y/N grew, the happiness faded, but the music in her soul, stayed the same. Her mother held less dances, and the chances of Y/N hearing music, became very small.

When she became older, her mother had sent her to Auradon, hoping her daughter would become a much more better princess, who would soon become a magnificent queen. Before she had left for Auradon, her mother had told her the most simplest thing. "Don't be falling in love, with any villains."

Her mother had her fingers crossed, hoping her daughter would fall in love with a prince, while being in Auradon. Even though Y/N had told her mother, that she promised she wouldn't, she couldn't help herself, as she would soon fall in love with a very handsome villain.

Y/N's eyes scanned the paper in front of her, only reading the bold words, a few hundred times. Dance Contest. She could've sworn, that she started hearing music. If she were to get into the contest, she would need someone to be her dance partner, and who would teach her how to dance.

"Evie, Mal, I need your help," Y/N said, walking into their room, both with questioning looks. "What is it?" Evie jumped up from her spot, clapping her hands together, getting all excited. "Is there a boy involved?" "No." Evie's excitement disappeared, as she slowly sat back down.

"There's this dance contest, and I really want to join. But, I need a partner, who will also teach me how to dance." Once again, Evie jumped up, and ran over to Y/N. "So, it does involve a boy. And, I know the perfect person."

When Evie had introduced her to 'the perfect person,' it was none other then Harry Hook. Evie explained everything to Harry, and thankfully, he agreed to it.

Two months before the contest, and learning the dance was stressing Y/N out. She kept stepping on his feet, and messing up all the moves, which made Harry get pissed. "Stop, you doing it wrong." "Don't look down, keep your head up." "Keep your arms firm. I don't want any spaghetti arms."

All the orders he was throwing at her, made her want to drop him on his ass. But, he was willing to teach her how to dance, and to be her partner. "Keep your hips moving, move this leg, that way." His hands gripped onto her hips, moving them the right way. "Now, keep moving them like that." Doing what he said, Y/N kept her hips moving.

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