OneShot #18 (Fluff)

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Requested by: @Briana_Loy_

You and Harry hate each other. Uma pairs you two up, for training. The request was asked to be a smut, but this turned out to be a fluff, and I just couldn't bring myself to make it a smut. If you want me to make it a smut, just let me know, and I'll re-write it as a smut.

3rd POV

The two pirates loathed, each other. If they made eye contact, there was a 100% chance, a sword fight would start. Everyone saw the way the two, would glare at each other. But, what no one saw, or would at all expect, that the two would fall in love, or even be together.

"Harry! You, and Y/N are gonna train together," Uma said, looking at the two, as they glared at each other. "But, I don't want to train with her. Why can't I be paired up, with someone else?" Uma went up to Harry, pissed that he talked back to her. "You will train with her, or you'll be cleaning toilets, for the rest of your little pirate life!" When she walked away, he rolled his eyes.

Y/N walked over, pushing past him with her shoulder. He growled at her, which she growled back. Uma, clearly hearing the growling, turned towards them. "You two can fight, when training starts." They glanced at her, then glared at each other. When training started, Uma put them in an area, farther away from the crew, so no one got hurt, because of the fight that was gonna start.

Y/N held her sword up, pointing it at Harry, as he held his sword up, as well. Neither one of them moved, just looked into each others eyes. The hate that surrounded them, started to fade away. Y/N felt something she hasn't felt, in forever, since both of her parents just left her. She couldn't grasp onto what the feeling was, but it felt wonderful. The same feeling filled inside Harry, as he looked into Y/N's E/C eyes.

"Come on you two, either fight or make out," Uma shouted, before going back to the others. Finally, they started to go forward, their swords hitting against each other. But, the feeling that was there before, stayed there. Y/N kept looking into Harry's light blue eyes, and when she caught herself star in into them, she would mentally slap herself, and tried to pay attention.

Harry would catch himself, looking into the E/C eyes, that he has hated for so long. He has never actually looked into her eyes, for such a long time. And, when he did, Harry let a smile appear. When Y/N backed up, to take a quick breath, she saw the smile on his face. "What are you smiling about, Hook?" He quickly tried to get rid of the smile, but it stayed.

"No reason." He looked into her eyes, as she looked into his. "Come on, if Uma sees us not training, we'll get in trouble," Y/N said, looking away from him, and holding her sword back up. "So, we're not fighting anymore?" Harry held his sword up, trying to look into her eyes again. "If you want us to, we can." Their swords crashed against each other.

"Would it be strange, if I didn't want us to be fighting." Y/N let out a laugh, looking into his eyes, and not looking away this time. "Not really, cause I don't want us to fight either. Just training, would be nice, for once," she stated, as her sword went to swipe at his feet. He jumped back, and his smile grew. "Thats true. So, training it is?" Harry swiped his sword over her head, making her duck down.

"Yeah, and instead of hating each other, friends. But, slowly?" "Yeah."
••A couple months later

When everyone saw, that the two pirates didn't glare at each other, let's just say, that Uma had a party. It was held on the ship, and it was a blast. There would finally be no more awkward moments, no more random fights, and work would finally be done, without there being yelling. The whole crew downed the drinks, that were brought to the party, and did stupid shit.

Y/N leaned against the railing, staring at the ocean water below her, holding a cup, still filled with the alcohol drink. Harry, seeing Y/N standing alone, went over to her, and stood next to her. "How are you doing?" Neither of them had anything to drink, staying completely sober. "I don't really know," Y/N said, turning the cup upside down, dumping the liquid into the water.

"How come?" She looked up at Harry, and smiled. "All because we don't hate each others guts, doesn't mean I'm willing to tell you about my whole entire life." Harry let out a laugh, and moved closer to the girl. "I'm not asking about your life," he said, looking at the water, then back at her. "Not yet, but you'll probably be asking soon." Y/N tossed the cup behind her, hearing it hit the wooden floor.

"Uma's gonna get pissed, if she sees that laying on her ship." Harry turned his head a little, seeing the cup roll around in a circle, in the same spot. "She would, if she was sober, and found out that I did it." Y/N pointed over at Uma, who was clearly drunk. "True," Harry said, leaning back against the railing. "Harry, have you ever hated someone for so long, but at some point, all of a sudden, like them?"

Both pirates looked at each other, staring into each others eyes. "I-I don't know. Why?" They both started to lean in, until Gil came over. Y/N looked at Gil, as Harry cursed quietly. "Gil, how come your not drunk?" Y/N looked at him, seeing how he wasn't tripping over his own two feet. "Uma..she wouldn't let me near any of the drinks, cause i'm to innocent." She nodded her head. "Well, how about you go away, me and Harry are busy...talking."

Gil looked back and forth, at the two, as a smile appeared. "You two would look really cute together. Are you gonna kiss?" "GIL! GO AWAY!" He smiled some more, before going over to help Uma, who had fell down the stairs. "Y/N." She looked back at Harry, who took her hands into his. "Were we..." He didn't finish his sentence, as Y/N pressed her lips against his. Harry kissed back, letting go of her hands, and wrapping his arms around her.

Pulling her body closer to his, Y/N gripped onto the shoulder part of his shirt with one hand, as the other went to the back of his neck. "OUR SHIP HAS SAILED EVERYONE!" Both of them pulled away, to see Uma and the crew, hollering. "I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!" Uma went over to them, and hollered louder. "You two better stay together, forever." She let out a drunk laugh, leaning against Y/N.

Uma looked at Harry, and gave him a serious look. "Break her heart, I'll let the sharks have you." Giving him one more look, Uma let out one more laugh, and finally stumbled away. "They'll never remember this happened," Harry said, looking back at Y/N. "Well, only Gil. He'll probably end up telling everyone." "True." Harry brought Y/N into another kiss, which she smiled into.

Who knew, that two pirates that hated each other, would fall in love? Even on the Isle. No one knew, until the following day, when Gil ran around shouting, that Y/N and Harry were dating. It ended with Harry chasing him around, swinging his sword at the poor boys head, Uma and Y/N running after him, yelling at him to stop.

This one was really short, I think. I'm just trying to get everyone's requests done. If I haven't down yours, I'm getting to it. When I get all requests done, and you see that I never down yours, I'm sorry. I probably forgot, so if I did, PM me, and let me know.

Next OneShot soon!!!!!!!

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