OneShot #35 (Smut)

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Requested by: Lovelybunny29

You, daughter of Beauty and the Beast, catch Harry masterbating, and smut pools in...i'm still thinking of new puns.

3rd POV

He couldn't stop thinking of her. Ever since he cane to Auradon, she was always on his mind. No matter what he was doing. It started off, as simple crush. But, once Fairy Godmother asked her to be his tutor, his feelings for her grew.

Everyday, when they met up, Harry would always be thinking of other things. When she was talking about what to do, to solve the math problem, Harry would be thinking of her underneath him, moaning his name. By the time they said their goodbyes, Harry would rush to his room, to relieve himself.

It would be a lie, if she didn't think of him, the same way. Whenever he wore his sleeveless jacket, allowing his muscles to be visible, made her mind go crazy. If she were able to, she would stare into his light blue eyes, all day. When Fairy Godmother asked her to be his tutor, her feelings for him grew, including a few needs.

But, she wouldn't be able to date a villain. Ben dating Mal was a different story. Mal was able to change, almost completely, for Ben. Harry wouldn't change, and he probably didn't feel the same.

"Same time tomorrow." Y/N looked up at Harry, seeing him packing up quickly. "Uh...yeah, same time tomorrow," he said, a bit quickly. Y/N looked down real quick, trying to fit a book into bag. When she looked back up, Harry was gone. But, he had forgotten one of his books.

Picking the book up, she started her way, to Harrys room.

He had to leave quickly, cause if he stayed any longer, he wouldn't be able to control himself. Entering his room, he dropped his bag on the floor, threw his jacket on a chair, and plopped down on his bed. Closing his eyes, he pictured Y/N, on top of him, a moaning mess.

Harry couldn't help himself. Slowly sliding his hand into his pants, he gripped himself, and started pumping.

She reached his room, and did a soft knock. No answer. However, she did hear moans coming from behind the door. Gripping onto the handle, she slowly turned it, and carefully opened the door. Peeking her head inside the room, she spotted Harry on his bed, alone thankfully.

His lips were parted, soft moans slipping out. Stepping into the room, and quietly closing the door, she placed the book on a nearby table, and slowly started walking towards the bed. To be honest, she was gettin turned on. The way how his messy hair was, to how his moans came out softly, made her crave him even more.

"Would you like some help with that?" Harry's eyes shot open, and he quickly sat up, covering his visible boner. "Y/N? I...I...uh," he stuttered. She kneeled on the bed, then sat in his lap, some what straddling him. Pressing her area against his, she smiled as his eyes fluttered close.

"Do you want help, with your problem?" Harry, not answering her question, let out small moans. Moving her hips slightly, she started to do soft grinds against him, making him let out breathy moans. "Answer my question, or i'll just have to leave."

As difficult as it was, Harry was able to form words, between his moans. "I need your help." Y/N, smiling even more now, gripped onto the hem of her shirt, and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor. She couldn't believe that she was actually gonna do this, with the person she has liked for so long.

Gripping on to the hem of Harry's shirt, she soon had it off, and on the floor. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against Harry's. Honestly, she wasn't expecting him to kiss back, but she was fully surprised when he did. His hands went to her hips, gripping them slightly.

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