OneShot #34 (Smut)

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Requested by: FakeSmileRealTears14

Summary: I'm not gonna type the whole summary. But, your father is The Great Milenko. He's a psycho killer, who I love and am pretty sure is my dad, somehow. Above is a song, by ICP (Insane Clown Posse)

If you don't like this, I'll be proud to do a rewrite. Its just that your request, sort of went with the idea, that I had.

3rd POV

Everyone knew who she was. In Auradon, and in the Isle. Most people loved her, and others hated her. Rumor had it, if you met her, you got good luck for years. Another rumor was, that you got bad luck for years. Her sassiness made her whole. Made her how she is, and gave her reputation that she had. Her father was The Great Milenko. The girl with the great reputation, the sass, was The Great Y/N.

She only came out at night, just like her father. Some said, she killed at night, to not be caught. The streets were empty, no one dared to run into Y/N, in fear of death. Her shoes hit the pavement, rocks crunching underneath. Twirling her butcher knife, the belt around her waits, held other knives. She had just finished killing a couple, who decided to have sex in her alley. They we're just peasants, that meant nothing to her.

Upahead, she spotted another person. Getting her knife ready, she went up to the person, and brought the weapon down on their head. When the person fell down, she turned them over, and it turned out to be a drunk lad. "Stupid fuck," she mumbled, as she cut down his chest, and made his insides, his outsides. Ripping a bit of his shirt off, she used it to clean her knife. "People will never learn." Kicking the body onto his stomach, she continued her way down the dark street.

"Harry, you better leave. Its getting dark, and you know what happens, at this time," Uma said, seeing the pirate still sitting at the counter. "I guess, but I'm practically risking my life, out there," he complained, remember in the stupid rumors. "I thought you said, those rumors were fake?" He rolled his eyes, as he stood up. "I do. Doesn't mean that there are, crazy people out there." Uma gave him a look, and he finally left.

Y/N stopped in her tracks, hearing someone upahead in the alley. She got her knife ready, and took each step slowly. When she was somewhat close enough, to where the person was, she listened to what they were saying. "The Great Y/N. Its just a rumor, it can't be real." As the person turned the corner, Y/N popped out, holding her knife up. The person stopped, feeling as if they were frozen. "You don't think I'm real?"

Thanks to the dim light in the alley, she was able to see what the person looked like. Be wore a red coat, pants that had belts, one with a hook dangling from it. His eyes were a light blue, and she could feel something changing in her. "Who are you?" The boy smiled, but deep inside, was filled with fear. "Harry Hook. I guess, you must be The Great Y/N." She nodded, holding her knife closer to his chest. "The one, and only," she said, grinning.

"Do you really, murder people?" She tilted her head to the side, giving Harry a confused look. "I'm a murder. I'm holding a knife to your chest, and your asking questions. Aren't you scared?" Harry simply shook his head, paused, then shrugged his shoulders. "Somewhat scared. But, I guess that is a yes, you actually murder people." She nodded, as he shifted a bit. "Are you gonna kill me, or let me go?"

Y/N thought about it real quick, then lowered her knife. "I don't kill innocent people. It mostly depends on how I'm feeling," she said, putting the knife in its holster, on her belt. "I'm free to go?" Y/N nodded again, and started to walk away. "Wait. Will I see you again?" She turned around, facing Harry. "Depends if your taking a nightly walk, during my killing hour." He smiled, as she let out a laugh, heading back home.

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