Explaining Why I Was Gone

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I was gone for a few months, probably longer, and you guys deserve an explanation.

The reason why I was gone for so long, was because I had to take of myself, and some other things that were going on.

And, i'm not saying this to get attention or anything, but I was, and still am, dealing with depression. A few months ago, I found out that one of my best friends, had decided to go out with a girl, who also bullied me, and tried to ruin my life. And, when they started dating, my best friend also decided to stop talking to me, which caused me to be depressed. I've had depression for awhile, but when that situation happened, my depression ended up becoming worse, along with my anxiety.

So, I had to take some time off from wattpad, and writing, to try to take care of myself, because I just didn't have the inspiration anymore.

And, i'm really sorry that I was gone for that long, but i'm back now, and i'm gonna try to catch up with requests, and such.

I'll see you guys later...✌️😌

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