A/N Again

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    So, a lot has happened, since the last A/N. And, once again, i'm here to explain.

    So, the new guy I was with, he broke up with me. We were literally together for not even a week. And, his excuse: "I want to focus on school.. And, being in a relationship with you isn't allowing that to happen." So, of course, I felt hurt, and was upset. But, I understood.

    Problem is: he tried to hit on my 15 or 16yr old cousin, and one of my friends, asking if they wanted to date. Both of them said no, and told me what happened. However, my cousin asked him, "I thought you wanted to focus on school." He said that he only told me that, just so he wouldn't be with me, cause he never really liked me.

    He only wanted to be with me, because he wanted sex. But, he saw that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon, so he lied to break up with me.

    Also, a month after that happened, my friend introduced me to one of her guy friends, and after we talked for a bit he asked me out. I made sure it was fine with my friend first, and she said yeah.

    But, while me and him were together, he was being a bit toxic. He was telling me a bunch of shit, and trying to get inside my head. He would also keep trying to get my phone, and try to unlock it to go through it, but I would tell him no. Then, he would ask me if I was cheating, or hiding things from him. Which I wasn't, besides um...my stories I write on here. But, I just don't like people going through my phone or things, because of past reasons. I even told him that, but he wouldn't stop.

    And, at some point, he said that him and my friend had sex. I told my friend about it, and she said they never did, cause she's also waiting, just like how I am. And, then when I confronted him about it, he just broke up with me right away.

     But, sometime after, he messages me, saying he still had feelings, and wanted to get back together, but I don't know what to do.

     And, now it's time for the big one. You guys are gonna LOVE this. Aka, sarcasm.

    After the last guy broke up with me, my ex, the very first one, texted me again. He unblocked me, and messaged me first, remember that. He started talking about getting back together again, and kept doing it, until I caught feelings again.

    Once I showed a tiny bit of me caring, he blocked me. And, I was confused. At some point, he went and texted my aunt, telling her that we had sex, and sent her fake nudes, saying I sent them to him. And, that he wanted me to leave him alone, and to stop messaging him.

    My aunt went to my mom, told her what he said, and then, they both had a talk with me. They showed me the nude pictures, and I told them that those aren't pictures of my body, and that me and him, NEVER had sex.

    So, in retaliation, I messaged his mom on messenger, and told her what he was doing.

    That all happened the day after Christmas. A few days later, I was going through some Snapchat stories, and saw his story. I kinda did forget that I was still following him on there, but I clicked on his story. And, here's what it said....

    I know it only say, "your ex", but the only problem is, is that everyone in our grade, knows that I was the only one he has dated

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    I know it only say, "your ex", but the only problem is, is that everyone in our grade, knows that I was the only one he has dated. I didn't think much about it tho.

     But, after some time, I did a "Ask me aanything," on my Instagram story, and one of his friends that I follow, asked me this....

     But, after some time, I did a "Ask me aanything," on my Instagram story, and one of his friends that I follow, asked me this

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    And, right away, I started thinking of my ex's Snapchat story.

    I messaged his friend, asking him what he was talking about, cause I haven't accused any of rape. And, he said that my ex's mom, told my ex that I messaged her, saying that he raped me.

    I told his friend, what I really said, and sent him screenshots of what I said too. He saw the messages, but didn't reply.

    And, the worst part is, I might still have feelings for my ex, but I don't know. I'm just really confused, and I would talk to someone, but no one understands. I just need help...just someone to talk to, who'll understand...

    But, here's something positive:

    In my Science class, there's this Senior that I sit next to. And, he's quiet, and probably anti-social too, like me. And, for the past few months, he's always asking, how my day was, how my weekend was. Or, have a nice weekend, have a nice day, have a nice holiday, etc. You get the point.

     Well, for out Science midterm, we had to do presentations, and Seniors with a 95% or higher, were exempt. He ended up being my partner, after the person I was originally paired up with, said, "Ew! No. Can I work alone," after being told he was working with me, and after some kids laughed/gasped about it.

    On the day of our Science midterm, which was a couple days ago, my partner came in to present it with me, WILLINGLY! And, some of the kids, that laughed about the one kid getting paired up with me before, they had Senior partners, and their partners didn't show up.



     Anyway, after everyone presented, we still had an hour left of the midterm, so our teacher let us do what we wanted. And, my partner asked if I wanted to play a videogame with him. I would've said yes, but I told him I had no idea how to play videogames. Because, i'm more of an art person.

    So, while I worked on my drawing, I also watched him play his game, which he was fine with. Also, I had put my hair into a low ponytail, and he said that my hair looked cute like that, and that boosted my self confidence. And, i've been putting my hair in a low ponytail for awhile now, before I go to school.

    Anyway, I hope I can update soon. But, there's just a lot that's going on, and I haven't really had any motivation to do updates.

     And, about the ex thing, if any of you can understand, like having feelings for your ex even after they do something like that to hurt you, please message me. I just want someone to talk to that will understand. Thank you

    See you guys soon. Hopefully.

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