OneShot #4 (Smut)

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Requested by: BlueButterfly96

Your the daughter of The Mad Hatter, and Alice. *cough* and a virgin *cough*. Any who.... You leave Auradon, for your boyfriend Harry. THEN THE SMUT TRAIN CUMS!!! See what I did there.......I'll stop.


        I was in a boring class, the teacher barely even teaching anything. Who is the teacher, may you ask. Fairy Godmother. I'm stuck in a class, that teaches me to be good, with Fairy Godmother. And, I hate her so much. You know when you look at someone, and you all of a sudden hate them? Well, thats how it basically was, for me when I met FG.

How rude of me. I didn't introduce myself. First, let's put FG on pause. Hi, I'm Y/N Hatter. Daughter of The Mad Hatter, and Alice. I used to be on the Isle, but for some odd fuck, King Ben decided 'Hey,  I'm allowing you, the craziest bitch of them all, to come to Auradon.' I'm probably guessing, that he didn't think that thought, all the way through.

I don't miss anyone from the Isle......okay, maybe one person. My boyfriend, Harry Hook. Son of Captain Hook. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. But, since I've been off the Isle for some time, I'm guessing he went off and found someone better. I want to say he probably got together with Uma, but I actually didn't want to think about that.

Turning half my attention towards FG, I started to wonder if Harry moved on, or not.

Once the day was over, I went to my bedroom, and started packing my things. I was going to go back to the Isle, and find Harry. I haven't made up my mind, if I should bring him back, or not. That all depends if he moved on. I put my bag on, and quietly made my way through the hall. To be honest, I'm starting to like it when its all quiet. All those kids walking around, slamming their lockers, and all the chitchat going on, could make someone go mad.

Successfully getting out, I went over to where the limos were, found the key to it, and made my way to the bridge. Pressing the button, the bridge opened up. "Here goes nothing," driving across, passing the barrier.

After I covered up the limo, I started walking to Harry's place. It wasn't a really big place, but it was decent. The best you can get on the Isle, if you don't want a place that looks like its about to come tumbling down.

Once I got to Harrys place, I opened the door, and stepped inside. The place looked how it normally looked. Slamming the door, I heard something, or someone, fall. "WHO THE FUCK IS IN MY HOUSE?" Leaning against the door, I smiled at a very angry Harry, who was pulling up his pants.

'What was he doing,' my mind going to all different places. Even before I left, we never actually had sex. I was actually thinking of asking Harry, if he wanted to, but that ended up being the day, I had to go. "Don't get all mad, or you might end up being just like my dad." Once he got his pants all zipped up, he looked up at me.

"Y/N!" I bowed down. "The one, and only," standing up straight. Harry walked over to me, placing a kiss on my lips, which I kissed back. We pulled away, breathing for air. "Your actually back! I can't believe it! How did you get over here?" I messed up his hair a bit, got out of his hold, and started walking around.

"I took one of the limos, pressed some button, that makes some magic bridge, and came here. It was quite easy," picking something up, looking at it, then putting it back down. "You haven't Changed." He walked over to me, just as I was about to pick something else up, and grabbed my wrist. Looking at him, I smiled. "How can you tell?" "Cause you keep touching things, that aren't yours." I brought my face closer to his.

"Oh really. So, that means, I can't touch you." He smiled, his very famous smile. "What are you getting at, Mad Hatter?" I looked deeply into his light blue eyes. "Stop smiling like that, and you might turn into the Cheshire Cat." He stopped smiling, as I got my wrist back, and made my way upstairs. "Really, you just had to kill the moment."

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