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I got some stuff that I wanna say, and I do need some advice. I'm sorry for a confusing rant. And, sorry for being so inactive. Been busy with work.

Recently, right after Thanksgiving, I started a job as a server. It has helped a lot with my anxiety, and talking to people. While working there, I met this guy, lets call him N. And, he is the most amazing guy ever! When I talk with him, he makes me laugh, smile, etc. I get butterflies in my stomach when I look into his eyes, his smile is perfect! I just wanna hug him, kiss him, hold his hand, etc. He makes me feel something that I haven't felt in so long. Like, when I see him, my heart actually starts skipping. I feel so happy when i'm working with him. Problem is, he a bit older then me. I'm almost 20, and he's 31. But, I know someone couples with a huge age gap. My parents had 15 years between them. 

Besides my trainers, he was the first one to start an actual convo with me. When he's working the same day as me, it feels like the best day ever. At first, I denied myself of liking him, because "what if he was married or dating someone?" I found out by another co-worker that he wasn't. Everytime we worked together, he would always strike up a convo with me, and we'll talk. And, everytime we did, I would always be in a better mood. My mom, who works with me, said that he called me cute, while he was talking to her. A few days ago, he ended up giving me his facebook, so he could add me to a work group. Then Saturday, we ended up talking a lot, during our shift together. How we are both weird people, and just a bunch of other stuff. And, whenever I smiled and laughed, he would also smile and laugh with me. He would make eye contact with me (he has beautiful blue eyes). 

And, when he held eye contact with me, I just felt my heart beating really fast. A feeling, that I wish I could describe, just went through my body. I kept looking at his eyes, then his lips. I've had the urge to either take his hand in mine, hug or kiss him, but haven't acted upon it. I did ask him if he was okay with talking outside of work, like over text. I wanted to make sure, just so I wouldn't be bothering him, if he wasn't okay with it. And, he said he was fine with it. We also have a lot in common, but also some differences.

Then, a couple days ago, I asked him if he was working on Monday. He said, "No, I don't really work here that much now." And, I said, "Aww, its going to be so boring without you here." He said, "Don't worry, i'll be here Friday." I said, "But, that's days away." He said, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." 

Am I just overthinking it, or is there a possibility that he might like me? Is he flirting with me, or just being nice?

Should I make a move, and ask him out? Or give it time? 

A bunch of people said that he's flirting, and that he likes me. But, I don't know. What if they're wrong? I really like this guy (not sure about it being love, but it might be) and I just wanna be with him. Like, I actually see myself with him and everything. Any advice would be amazing!

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