OneShot # 10 (Fluff-Smut)

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Requested by: BrushHart

I'm not gonna do a summary for this one, so its a better surprise. But your Tinker Bells daughter.

I kinda changed up a few things, from the request, but I mostly kept to the original request. When I was writing a certain part in this, it ended up reminding me of the gif above.

I actually liked writing this one!!! Which I probably always say.


"Peter, put me down!" Him, and the Lost Boys, just kept laughing, as he brought me higher up. "Come on. If your the daughter of Tink, can't you fly?" I shook my head, and I could've sworn his smirk grew wider. "You're joking?" I shook my head once more. "Let's test it out then!" I closed my eyes, as he started flying in one direction really fast.

At some point, I felt something pass through my body, and when I opened my eyes, Peter placed me on the ground. "Where are we?" Not even answering my question, he smiled, and flew off. "PETER! GET BACK HERE!" Then, he was out of sight. I couldn't fly. I didn't have wings. No magic, whatsoever. My mom said, when I got older, for some reason, thats when I'll get all of that shit.

That was two years ago. And, I'm still stuck on the Isle. I have fully grown a hate, towards Peter and the Lost Boys. During those two years, I was pretty sure, that they left me here to die. Heck, they probably think I'm dead, or some shit. But, thank pixie dust shit, because guess what! I'M STILL ALIVE!

Taking a turn into a alley, I started walking down, going to where I usually go, when I somewhat miss home. Sure, I may seem like a badass on the ground, but when I'm up on the building, and I can see my home, Neverland, I forget about being a badass, for just a little bit. While I'm walking down the alley, trying to get to the building, I start to hear very fast footsteps. Walking slower, I wait for the person to try something.

Once I felt this person put a hand on my shoulder, I grabbed their arm, flipped them over onto their back, and quickly pulled out the knife that I had. I pointed had it at their neck, until I looked into their eyes. "So, this is how you normally greet people? Kinda 'badass' for the daughter of a fairy," they said, laughing. "Fuck you Harry," helping him up, then putting my knife away.

"I would love you to." I rolled my eyes, trying to keep a straight face. Here, I'll give you the details, in case if you can't understand whats happening. You see, when Fuckface, I mean Peter Pan, decided to bring me to the Isle, Harry ended up finding me, and we became close friends. But, I wanted to be more then friends, and do SO much more, then just flirt 24/7.

We reached the building, climbed the ladder on the side, and when we got to the top, I looked right at Neverland. If Fuckfac..... goddammit, I mean Peter, didn't bring me here to the Isle, then I would probably be learning how to fly, with just pixie dust. If he didn't drop me off here, then I would be walking around the woods, enjoying my day.

I balled my hands, into fists, and started to glare at the island, as I started to think a bit more. Why hasn't my mom, tried to look for me? Isn't she worried about me? Does she even care, if I'm alive or not? I don't know why, I haven't thought of those, sooner. Clearly, she doesn't care, because if she did, she would have found me, brought me back home, and beat the living shit out of Peter, two years ago.

As I was thinking, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I was brought into a hug. "Lass, are you okay?" "No. I was just thinking, why hasn't my mother thought about me, and come to get me." I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him even closer, to where our waists were touching. Burying my face into his chest, I tried to keep my cool.

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