7: coward

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Our bodies swayed along to the music and eventually, I felt a presence behind me so I glanced over my shoulder to see JJ slide his hands on my hips as we swayed in sync. I had a bright smile as I brought the bottle of cherry schnapps to my lips and took small sips as my head was already slightly spinning.

"What is she doing here?" Kie's words tore me out of my gaze as she stared at me with a look of disgust evident on her face.

JJ moved from behind me to now beside me with a stern edge to his voice, "Kie relax"

"No JJ, I won't relax" she huffed, "She's a kook and most definitely wasn't invited here" Kie snarled as I stood unimpressed. 

"I invited her" Pope defended me as Kie narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well she isn't welcome" She glared at Pope with a hateful look right as he aimed his glance at the ground kicking his feet against the sand.

I knew he always had a thing for her.

"Oh great! She brought friends!" Kie sounded half amused and half pissed off. 

I tore my gaze of the girl standing in front of me and turned around to see Sarah climbing an old buoy with Topper yelling at her trying to make her come down but of course, she wasn't listening. 

All the heads in the group turned to me with a questioning look. JJ looked at me to give me a look saying 'what this about'.

"Just ignore them," JJ muttered to try and calm Kie down.

But before she started ranting and raving about my presence I turned my back to the girl I used to call a good friend. 

I didn't want to stick around to hear them all trash talk my friends so I found myself by the water. I stood just on the shore where the water was washing up. 

I smiled watching the beautiful sunset that overtook the sky. The blend of orange and yellow made for a stunning scene. 

I brought the bottle to my lips taking a final sip before the bottle was empty, that didn't take long. I knew I'd feel the full effects soon.

Letting out a deep sigh I turned my back on the water and walked up the sand trying to find a bin to dispose of the bottle.

I stood near the makeshift parking lot of the boneyard which was really just a dirt patch used to park. 

I lifted up my skirt briefly, grabbed my lighter in my underwear's waistband, and then grabbed my carton of cigarettes. 

Placing one in between my lips I took a deep breath bringing the flame to the tip of the stick. The world around me seemed to be spinning but I didn't care. 

It was moments like this I felt the peace that living in the Outerbanks can bring you. The crisp summer air provided me with a warmth I didn't know I needed. Maybe moving back home would be the positive turn I needed. 

My thoughts were crudely interrupted when a deep voice caught my attention.

"Those will kill you, y'know" 

"That's the plan anyway," I said taking another drag of my cigarette and turning my head to look at Rafe. 

He had the same stoic face as always but his hair wasn't the usual slicked back look instead messier. I liked it this way but would never admit it out loud. Rafe moved to stand next to me and instead of responding he snatched the cigarette from between my index and middle fingers before bringing it to his lips and letting out a cloud of smoke.

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