25: midsummers

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"Don't fear I'm here to rescue you" I heard Sarah laugh and then walk straight over to me in the bathroom where I was rubbing all sorts of oils and creams on my face and calling it skincare. 

"From what?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed. 

"You're disastrous makeup skills, oh and hairstyling skills...you know just everything" Sarah shrugged as I slapped her arm making her wince and rub the area I hit.

"It's not disastrous" I scoffed narrowing my eyes playfully.

"It's pretty bad" she laughed as I eventually nodded along. The truth was I was horrid at doing makeup and just about everyone knew it. Sarah stopping by was a blessing in disguise because I'd much rather receive help from her than from my mother. 

After Sarah had set up in my bathroom she began to blow dry my hair and then used a curling iron to add soft curls towards the ends. She did a hairstyle where some of my hair was tied up and twisted. It looked better than anything I could have done. 

Sarah moved on to doing my makeup in a glowy bronzed look with gold eyeshadow matching my dress. 

I stared at my appearance for a second before hugging tightly her in gratitude, "You truly work miracles, thank you" I gushed. 

"You look beautiful" She smiled at me "Now go get dressed". 

I was ushered out of the bathroom as she began her own hair and makeup.

I changed into my gold gown that showed enough cleavage for my liking whilst staying classy. It had a high slit showing my tan legs but still remained somewhat elegant, well enough for my mother's liking. 

Funnily enough, I'd picked this dress out with Rafe last year but never got the chance to wear it because my mother had picked another dress for me and demanded I wear it. 

To please her and avoid a fight I wore the dress but I didn't last too long at the party considering how much I drank. 

This year I hoped for a different outcome, I wanted to enjoy my time with my friends, see old acquaintances, and drink overly expensive champagne.

Sarah and I spent a few minutes gushing over each other's looks and then our own. 

We grabbed our purses and made our way downstairs where both our families were patiently waiting, I shouldn't say patiently because my mother was screaming at us from three floors down.

I followed Sarah as we descended down the stairs, coming into view I saw our families watching us. My father had a blank look just like my mother's but she looked more displeased, I wanted to roll my eyes but instead, I moved my gaze to see Rafe's eyes glued solely on me, his jaw was slightly dropped as his eyes followed my every move. 

He edged himself forward in front of everyone else just as I got to the bottom of the stairs. I stood in front of him as he raked my entire body with a look I couldn't quite describe. 

I took my time to admire his looks, his hair was slicked back in its usual style and he was wearing a powder blue suit that clung to his body perfectly. 

He'd always looked incredibly sexy in a suit.

Rafe opened his mouth to say something but before he got the chance my mother grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the door, "Your father is being coronated as Guardian of Knights of the Rhododendron the least we could do is be on time" she said bitterly ushering me out the door. 

I looked over my shoulder giving Rafe an apologetic look for my mother ruining the moment.

Our families squished into the limo we'd hired and I sat between Spencer and Wheezie, "You look amazing little sis" Spencer gushed making me smile.

"You look quite handsome yourself brother," I said taking in his appearance. Our whole family looked dapper with my father wearing a black suit and my mother with an emerald slip dress. I would tell them this if they bothered to have a conversation with me.

Much to my delight, the country club came into view and we began piling out of the car one by one. 

I graciously accepted my brother's hand as he helped me out of the car. I kept one hand holding the ends of my dress up ensuring I don't trip over or flash anyone. 

Everyone began walking through the country club and automatically all eyes were on us. 

I hung around towards the back of the group and I couldn't help but smile when Rafe grabbed ahold of my hand and quickly led me to a hallway without anyone noticing. 

Rafe backed himself against the wall as he stood in silence taking in my appearance.

"You scrubbed up well," I said as I looked up at his blue eyes whilst he stared at me in lust 

"Rafe?" I said trying to get his attention but he simply rose his index finger in front of my face. 

"Just...give me a second" He whispered before raking my body again for the hundredth time. Under his harsh gaze, I was growing more and more self-conscious and feared he could see me for exactly who I was, I feared he could see all my flaws.

"You look absolutely breathtaking," Rafe whispered placing his hand on my waist drawing me closer to him. "And don't think I forgot about the dress...I was dreaming of the day I'd finally see you in it again"

"Is it everything you could have dreamed of?" I whispered edging my head closer to his and placing my hand on his jaw.

"It's even more Lola...you look beautiful," He said moving his face closer to mine until our lips collided in a gentle but passionate kiss.

"You know I missed you this morning" He whispered keeping his head dangerously close to mine. I gave him a small smile, "I thought you'd like waking up with the pillow" I whispered. 

"I would have rathered it been you" he placed a chaste kiss on my forehead making me blush.

"We better get out there" I sighed hating to ruin our moment but knowing in a few minutes we'd need to make our entrances.

"Your right" He mumbled removing his hands from my waist but instead grabbing my hand. 

We walked down the hallway hand in hand.

I turned my head to find him already smiling at me but when we reached the foyer of the country club we dropped our hands and acted as if nothing had happened.

Rafe quickly walked ahead of me catching up to the group right as his family walked out the doors. After the Cameron's made their grand entrance it was now time for my family, I lined up next to Spencer as he linked our arms together and we walked outside. 

The crowd clapped us in and I keep my head held high smiling politely whereas my mother waved towards the crowd most likely thinking she was better than everyone else there.

I wanted nothing more than a drink in my hand at this very moment, my parents liked to play happy family whenever it benefitted them. Was it so hard for my father to say something about me, was it painful for him to compliment his only daughter. All I wanted was for him to tell me I looked nice. 

But I believed my father just simply didn't care, he couldn't give a shit about me in the slightest but yet I saw him talking to my brother, smiling and joking with him.  

Why couldn't I have the same relationship with him?

What was so wrong with me? 

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