30: crash down on me like a wave

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"Please don't be mad at me Wils" Topper pleaded.

"I'm sorry for how Sarah treated you, you deserve better than that" I cleared my throat "Just..." I tried to start but couldn't find the words, "....just get home safe I'll speak to you tomorrow".

He nodded with a hazily smile. I stood on my tiptoes and leaned over closer to the window placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

Turning back around I caught Rafe narrowing his eyes at us but quickly shaking it off. I walked up to him smiling tiredly as he led us inside and Topper drove away. 

I followed his lead through the house surprised I was still walking at this stage, today felt like the longest day. From waking up in Rafe's bed to the events tonight I was beyond exhausted. My feet were aching from my heels, I felt like I couldn't breathe in this dress and I'd probably cried off all my makeup so I was counting my blessings when Rafe turned the handle of his bedroom door letting me step instead before him.

I physically threw my body onto his bed with a huff. "Are you okay?" Rafe asked walking over to me and kicking his shoes off, I felt him sit on the edge of the bed next to me so I pulled my body up taking his suit jacket off my body.

"Yes?...No...I don't know, I'm fucking confused?" I said honestly "Everything's just too much, I just lost two friends and my best friend is with someone who hates me enough to pull a gun on me" I shrugged my shoulders with a sad expression.

"Fuck em, Wills, it just showed who your real friends are, they don't deserve to know you"

"I just- like I'm a bit in shock," I said standing up and moving towards his closet rummaging through his t-shirts the same way I did last night. "I'm fucking exhausted I don't really feel like talking about it, I'm sorry" I sighed grabbing a white shirt with a random logo on the front.

"Don't apologize" He shook his head standing up and unbuttoning his dress shirt.

"C'mere," I said making him walk over to me as I turned my back collating all my hair to one shoulder. He stepped right to my body and his hands quickly moved onto my skin, his fingers brushed over my shoulder before trailing down my back. 

I felt his hot breath against my skin as he toyed with the zipper of my dress, my breath hitched in my throat as he pulled down the zipper causing the material to fall down to my waist, luckily I was facing away from him as my chest was completely exposed but I pulled the dress down my body to my feet. I could feel his stare on me as I was standing in nothing but my underwear and high heels.

"Fuck you are trying to kill me" He muttered behind me as I threw the t-shirt over my body and kicked my heels off.

"If I wasn't so tired I would rip your clothes off right now," I said as I turned around stepping towards him and grabbing his belt unbuckling it for him.

"If you weren't so tired I would bend you over and fuck you so hard you'll have trouble walking tomorrow"

His words shocked me and I felt my pulse quicken and the butterflies between my legs flutter uncontrollably. I walked over to the bed trying to seem like his words didn't affect me but I couldn't tear my eyes away from him undressing. 

"Is that a promise?" I whispered jumping into his bed and drawing the covers over me.

Within seconds he'd ditched his pants and shirt and was walking over to me in nothing more than boxers. "Damn right it is" he smirked jumping in bed next to me.

"Good" I breathed laying my head on the pillow looking into his ocean blue eyes. He laid down next to me keeping space between us and closed his eyes, I watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. 

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