34: break the rules

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Rafe hadn't revealed a single clue on where he was taking me. He reminded tight-lipped the whole car ride. 

Trust me, I tried and tried to get it out of him. I tried poking him, annoying him, even went as far as to threaten him. Even when I whispered all the naughty things I wanted him to do to me...he revealed nothing, all my pleads went ignored.

I looked over to him and stared at him with his arm resting out the window and the other gripping the steering wheel looking ahead at the road.

"Oh we're going off the island," I read the sign on the side of the main road we were traveling on before crossing over the bridge.

"Thank you captain obvious" He chuckled turning his head to me, I rolled my eyes and then rolled down my own window. I moved my head out the window feeling my hair flow in the wind. 

I used this time to think about the boy next to me, I didn't really know what I felt for Rafe at this stage. I certainly didn't hate him - not in the slightest, instead, I feared it was the exact opposite.

I told myself I'd never let my heart feel this way for Rafe again but there's always someone you break the rules for. 

Feelings that come back are feelings that never left, and I doubted mine ever left in the first place. 

From the second I saw him when I returned to the island I told myself I had to hate him and that I could never trust him again. But I couldn't help it when my heart skipped a beat everytime I saw his face or heard his voice or even just the mention of his name made me lose my head.

I'd been so distracted by how things ended before I left that I actually forgot how beautiful the beginning was. 

I tended to keep a lot to myself, my feelings, and my emotions because it was easy and it's hard to find someone that fully understands you. 

But Rafe was that someone.

'If you don't let your past die, then it won't let you live' was a quote my Grandmother instilled in my brain from a young age and that's why whatever was happening between Rafe and I....I was coming in with an open mind. 

I wasn't going to let the past determine or restrict my future.

That's why I smiled brightly at him when he slid his free hand onto my thigh giving it a squeeze and gaining my attention. He tore his gaze from the road returning my smile.

"I'm happy...I needed a break from the island and everyone, so thank you"

"Don't thank me yet our plans haven't even started" he grinned as I grabbed his hand from my leg and laced his fingers through mine. I stared at him in confusion when he pulled over on the side of the road.

"What are you doing?"

"You need to quit with the questions I'm not telling you shit" He chuckled as I pouted my lips. 

Rafe removed his hand from mine and reached over my seat. I smelt his signature cologne which made me think of unholy thoughts about the boy. 

I watched intently as he reached into the glovebox and grabbed a black silk material of some sort, coming into my view I saw it was a blindfold and even more questions arose in my mind.

"Okay Rafe what is happening?" I laughed awkwadly.

"Sh" is all he said raising his index finger to his lips before leaning further into my seat and gently grabbing my jaw turning my head to face him. 

He carefully placed the silk blindfold over my eyes as I smirked, "How kinky, quite naughty of you Rafey" I teased unable to see his facial expressions.

"For such a beautiful girl you have such a dirty mind" he laughed making my cheeks blush against my own will.

"You put me in a blindfold what am I supposed to think?" I snorted.

"Maybe that I'm wanting the destination to be a surprise" he deadpanned and I knew he would have a smart ass look on his face, I heard him flick his indicator on, and then the car start to roll forward.

"This feels weird" I admitted feeling the car move but only seeing darkness, "Can you just tell me a little tiny hint" I begged with my index and middle fingers pinched together. 

I felt his hand back on my upper thigh caressing my skin.

"Do you trust me?"

I didn't even have to think twice about answering, "Yeh I do"

"Then be a good girl and stop askin' every 2 minutes" he laughed as I felt us turn down into a street, "We'll be there in just a sec" he squeezed my thigh.

I grew more excited by the second, I loved the idea of surprises but hated the suspense, the waiting, then not knowing because the truth was I liked being in control. I liked being aware of the situation I was in but I trusted Rafe without a doubt.

"Where are you going?" I asked hearing his car door open and close right behind him. Getting no response I figured he wasn't in the car anymore and I was proved right when my car door was pulled open and he moved his hands onto my waist. 

I didn't even have to do a single thing because Rafe had picked up my body from my seat and placed me gently on the ground.

"The suspense is literally killing me" I huffed feeling his hands on my shoulders walking me in a straight line, he held my body up and laughed when I almost tripped over a rock. I flashed my middle finger in the air hoping it was aimed in his direction before walking forward extremely slowly and cautiously. 

Rafe stopped me in my place after the brief walk and I was practically almost jumping up and down in excitement and anticipation.

I felt Rafe step closer to my body from behind and within seconds his chest was pressed against my back, he bought his hands to my face and slowly lifted up the black material. 

After finally opening my eyes it took me a few seconds to adjust to the harsh sunlight, when I finally saw where we were my jaw dropped.

"Fuck off" I muttered looking at the entrance to the carinal held on the main island every summer, I was so happy I couldn't even describe it in words. 

Instead, I turned away and flung my body towards Rafe's, I hurled my arms around his neck holding him incredibly close to me as he chuckled hugging me back. 

I moved away after a few moments and I couldn't help the tears pooling in my eyes.

This was the same carnival I'd been going to since I was a little girl, I've never missed a year with my grandma taking me no matter the circumstances. It was a safe space for me to get away from my parents and spend time with my favorite person even if it was only for a night. Last year Rafe had taken me when she was too sick to leave her bed.

I don't think I'd ever liked Rafe more than right in this moment, with everything in my life going to shit he knew...he knew this would cheer me up and he was right, just standing outside the entrance made me happy beyond words.

"What? What's wrong" He quickly asked stroking my cheek with the palm of his thumb probably seeing the unshed tears in my eyes.

"I'm just so happy" I whispered, "Thank you Rafe...a million times thank you...you don't know how much this means to me," I said my voice cracking slightly not allowing myself to cry.

"I do Wills, I know the memories this place holds for you," He said quietly making me immediately wrap my arm around him again.

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