9: daddy issues

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All in hopes of pleasing my father I decided to put extra effort into my appearance. 

I was satisfied with my look enough to begin walking downstairs. I walked into the living room seeing my parents and Spencer sitting on the couches having small talk.

"Willow," my father said sternly nodding his head whilst standing up to greet me. He walked over to me looking me up and down.

"Hi, daddy good to see you again" I flashed him a fake smile as his lips stayed in a straight line.

"You took your time Willow" My mother announced standing up and walking towards the door. I listened to the click of her high heels against the hardwood floors. 

My father followed in her footsteps and Spencer walked up to me and laced our fingers together knowing how tense I get in family situations.

The car ride was mostly silent with only the soft music playing in the background.

 It was incredibly awkward but when were my family reunions not.

Spencer and I walked side by side into the country club following our parent's lead, we stopped and smiled whenever my father saw an acquaintance and even engaged in small talk when required.

We were led to a table in the main restaurant and seated outside, the view was incredible I simply wished the company was better.

"So" my father cleared his voice looking at me "How are you liking being back Willow," he asked me. At least he was trying. 

I lifted my eyes from looking at the menu to my father "It's been amazing thank you" I smiled appreciatively, at least he was making an effort.

"Good to hear" he nodded.

"I would hope it's been good considering you were kicked out of boarding school" my mother snarled looking at me briefly before signaling a waiter to come over. I looked away from the table and focused on my surroundings.

"Ah Baldwin's a pleasure to be at your service" the waiter announced walking over to our table with a bright smile.

"Old fashioned" my mother simply said without making eye contact with the server. "Keep them coming"

He flashed his eyes to me waiting for an answer "Hi" I smiled "I'd love a long islanded ice tea please" I said as he nodded smiling.

"Gin on the rocks" My father answered.

"Corona please with a lime" Spencer smiled.

"Thank you" I nodded when he took down our orders and walked back inside.

"Spencer, how is Princeton?" My father asked and they talked about Spencer's time at college and which classes he's enjoying and other things I didn't care enough to listen to.

My mother was sipping her old-fashioned cocktail as if her life depended on it, I simply sipped mine thankful they even served me. 

The club knows I'm underage but that's another perk of being in my family, they turn a blind eye to the powerful families on figure eight and allow us to do whatever we please.

Business over morals once again.

Robert Baldwin was a very successful neurosurgeon on the main island and was always one to brag about his work, it was almost like he had to appear superior to every single person he met. 

Being his daughter got exhausting quickly.

"Willow!" My father snapped getting my attention.

"Sorry" I quickly said turning my head to him.

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