24: completely alone

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Hearing Rafes whispers and feeling his hand lightly grab my own I let him pull me towards him on the bed against my better judgment. 

My brain was begging me to leave, to walk out the door and not get sucked into his trap but I was long past that stage. 

All logic flew out the window when it came to Rafe Cameron. 

"Okay" I sighed nodding my head and dropping our conjoined hands to walk towards his wardrobe. I rummaged through his drawers feeling his stare on the back of my head without even turning around. 

I pulled out one of his t-shirts and clean boxers before walking towards his bathroom and shutting the door behind me quickly getting changed into his clothes.

Whilist in the bathroom I worked quickly to run my fingers through my hair and splash some cold water on my face to make myself look a tiny bit more presentable. 

I held in a laugh seeing Rafe's college t-shirt on my smaller figure considering it almost went past my knees. 

Walking back out I noticed he'd changed from his semi-formal clothes and was leaning up against his bedhead laying on his bed, "Sure take my clothes why don't do" He said with an amused smile looking up at me immediately when I entered the room.

I shrugged my shoulders walking over to him and jumping in bed beside him. "Not my fault they look better on me"

"You do look sexy as hell, can't really complain" 


"You know you do"

"I wasn't aware" I hummed nonchalantly turning my head on the pillow to face him. I kept the distance between us knowing that being in the same bed with him was awfully dangerous. 

I was supposed to hate him but found myself lying in his sheets. 

"I really hope I don't regret this in the morning" Rafe sighed turning his head from looking up to the ceiling to face me, he looked at me with the softest eyes whilst I, on the other hand, looked confused.

"Regret what?" I questioned. 

"Getting close to you" he answered "I mean I promised myself when I heard you were coming back that I wouldn't get close to you... in case you left again" he added seeing my confused face. 

"You are making it really hard though" he sighed. 

"I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon" 

"Good, because I did miss you" he smiled as my cheeks flushed pink. I was glad he couldn't see due to the darkness surrounding us knowing damn well he would mock the hell out of me.

"Aw you are a big softie Rafe" I gushed smiling giddily whilst he rolled his eyes. 

"Only when I want to be" he grinned stroking his fingers through my hair and combing my blonde locks.

"I want the past to stay in the past, I want to forget about everything that happened and start fresh" I admitted as his lips turned up into a small smile.

We both jumped hearing a sudden knock at the door taking us both by surprise. 

Rafe flashed me a look of panic not knowing who was at the other side of his bedroom door. 

Within a split second, I had managed to roll off the bed and slide on the hardwood floors underneath the bed hoping it was a good enough hiding spot. 

"Come in!" Rafe yelled right as I was tucked away. I was in nervous anticipation as the door slowly opened and someone's feet walked inside. 

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