14: tell me you hate me

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I was mentally and emotionally drained as I drove home in silence. The only thing heard was the harsh rain hitting the car. I pulled up to my driveway and cut the engine before bracing to face the heavy rain.

I sprinted to the front door fumbling with my keys but eventually, I pushed the door open and trudged inside trying my hardest not to leave a trail of muddy water behind me. I walked inside the kitchen craving a cup of coffee.

Or something to wake me up. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Spencer questioned as I walked into the kitchen. Rafe and he were sat up at the kitchen counter probably mucking around. 

Spencer looked extremely concerned and Rafe looked shocked to see my appearance. 

"Oh me? everything's just peachy" I said smiling sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.


"Spencer connect the dots...I was outside it started raining" I lightly laughed at his questioning.

"You look like shit" Rafe muttered under his breath 

"Yes thank you Rafe I'm aware, asshole" I sweetly smiled as he ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"That's my sister asshole" Spencer laughed punching his arm. "Where have you been anyways?" Spencer asked concerned.

"Just around town" I shrugged nonchalantly however he gave me a pointed look but chose not to question me further.

The boys started talking about a video game they'd been playing as I made my coffee, the second it was done I was walking out the room to my bedroom. 

I stood in my bathroom stripping my wet clothes and drinking my hot drink.

Feeling much more refreshed after my hot shower I changed into a cropped grey singlet and light blue PJ shorts before walking into my bedroom and running my hands through my damp hair. 

I walked down the two flights of stairs as my stomach rumbled begging for food. In the kitchen, I grabbed all the snacks I could possibly find before moving toward the cinema room. 

It was gonna be a mamma mia type of night.

Otherwise known as my favorite type of night. 

I was trying my hardest to balance the bags of lollies and potato chips and even bars of chocolate between my two arms.  

"Damn it" I cursed under my breath when a bag of gummy worms dropped to the ground. 

I awkwardly tried leaning down to grab the bag all whilist trying not to drop anymore. I stared at a hand that picked up the bag from the ground. I slowly lifted my eyes up to find the culprit. 

"Why are you always around?" I sighed in annoyance. "Your presence irritates me".

"Then leave" Rafe deadpanned before tossing the bag up in the air and catching it with his right hand.

"I wouldn't want to give you that satisfaction" I smiled sweetly as he looked at me with a blank face. My hands were completely full with my snacks so I placed them gently on the ground before reaching my hand out to try and grab the bag from Rafe's grip but he moved it back out of my reach.

"Not so fast" he smirked.

"Can you just not be annoying for once in your life"

"No can do princess" he grinned looking at the bag of lollies and then at me.

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