Chapter 17

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After the cavalry battle there was a break, letting the students catch their breath, get a bite to eat, or check out the festivities outside.

Izuku for one was starving but he couldn't eat before he'd had to talk with Katsuki, whether he wanted to or not.

"Katcchan!" Izuku followed him in the hallway.

"Would you just stop! You always get so angry without any reason!"

"No reason!? Ever since we've been kids you've lied to my face! Was it all to lead up to this moment? So you could humiliate me in front of my class? And in front of all of Japan?!"

"I don't want to humiliate you or ruin anything for you...that's the reason I never told anyone of any of the terrible things you've said to me over the years"

Izuku saw Katsuki's shoulders tense at that.

"As payback for that, you can at least hear me out..."

"Why do you even care what I think?"


"Why do you even care what I think?!"

"...even though you've been terrible to me... you were the only friend I ever had"

Izuku couldn't see it but Katsuki's eyes widened for just a moment.

It's true, he was self-aware enough to know that he had bullied him, but when he looked back, all the other friends they used to have never really interacted with Izuku, only Katsuki talked to him.

"What a lame excuse..."

"Katcchan, I didn't lie about anything, things are more complicated, even i...even I don't know where this quirk came from" izuku lied, but it was the best thing he could make up.

"I've trained it for a little while now, but when I began it hurt my body," Izuku told him too.

"Now, I don't expect this to change anything, and I want you to know that I'm actually still a little angry at you...but I was happy that you had gotten off my back a little, so don't get angry because of this, okay?"

"Shut up! I'll do what I want!" Katsuki yelled and then stomped off, and now that izuku had said what he wanted he didn't follow him, instead, he turned around to bump directly into none other than all might in his skinny form.

"A-all might!"

"Not so loud kid!" All might said. People weren't supposed to see him in this form.

"I saw you used one for all back there"

"Y-yes, I did...wait, I did?"


Izuku was staring at the arm he had used one for all with during the cavalry battle.

"What is it young Midoriya?"

"I just realized, when I used it before... it didn't hurt at all"

"really?" All might seemed excited by that new piece of information, he just hoped that Izuku knew what he had done and that he could redo it.

"What did you do different"

"I don't know"


"But I think it's was the first time I used it against a human. Deep down I knew katcchan would have been hurt had I used too much, so Abe that made me limit it to under 10%? But if that's the case can I do it again or was it just a fluke, what if I learn to move beyond that and become cold bloode-"

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