Chapter 1: Returning Home

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The small two cylinder plane landed a little less than perfectly smooth for Libby's taste, on the local airport and airfield of Fairview, at 9:15 one Saturday morning in late August. The once calm steady heartbeat of the 24 year old started to beat faster as she looked out and realized that she was truly back home, she left and never thought she'd ever be back...what would everyone say or what will happen when she ran into the past? Will people be mad, or happy...what will happen to her, now that she is back.

 Her thoughts were interrupted by the pilot getting the door open where she could see a familiar truck waiting outside for her, and on either side of the truck were familiar faces. On the passenger side was a woman about 5'4 in her early 50s with long hair once blonde starting to grey, she had welcoming blue eyes followed with a welcoming smile; and she was wearing a nice pair of blue jeans and a yellow shirt.

 On the other side of the truck stood a man about 5'9 with salt-n-pepper colored hair and beard, warm brown eyes that showed nothing but happiness in them. The man also wore faded and a little dirty old blue jeans, and a red plaid shirt over his little beer gut as she teased him, but he never minded that his little girl did that for to him that meant that she still loved him and was still such a young child at heart.

 “There's my baby girl!” The man said opening his arms up for a hug as soon as she stepped off the last step.

 “Hiya dad, miss me?” Libby said stepping into that warm embrace that she truthfully missed herself.

 “Of course I did, you're my only girl who ran off to another state and then said no to me coming to pick you up...why did you insist on flying?”

 “Because you have enough hardwork and driving to do as sheriff.” she told him as she smiled up at him.

 Now that was not the only reason that Libby didn't want to have her dad drive all the way to pick her up from college but it was true. Her dad was a very hardwork, worked two jobs in high school to make sure he could have a good house and wedding for her mother before he joined the police force, then soon became the sheriff of the town with some trouble making teens; not to mention just the regular hardwork that comes with being a sheriff.

 “So how was college?” Her mother than asked stealing a hug as soon as Libby stepped away from her father.

 “Good. I'm happy to be finished with it though.”

 “Well you can tell us all about it over lunch, come on let's go eat.” her dad said ushering the two to the truck as he took her suitcases and put them in the bed of the truck.

 “So what are we gonna eat?” Libby asked as she sat in the middle of her parents in the old red dodge ram pickup.

 “Oh I can't tell you, it will ruin the surprise.” her mother said with a laugh.

 The drive back into town, down main street and towards the old house was a peaceful one as in the silence, Libby stared out the windows to see that one thing would never change...the beautiful scene of the open fields of green grass with cows grazing as the sunlight fell down lighting up the beautiful country scene. Soon they pulled up to a tall 3 story old Elizabethan style house with white and grey paint and a wrap around porch.

 “Wait, this isn't the old house? Did you guys move?” Libby asked as the truck came to a stop.

 “No, our house is still here right across the street there, this is your house.” Her father said holding the door open for her to slide out.

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