Chapter 8: Fire!

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A month has gone by since the night that the two got back together, and they have been doing great. Date nights at the dinner some days, hang out at the shop and take the bike for a ride; movie nights and some very passionate night, although her father still didn't seem all that happy about it. Also her dad was no closer to solving the cases of any of the murders and he still has yet to find that crazy old man and put him in jail for attacking Libby, tension started to rise between her and her dad and Cade and Ace as they both liked to take their lunch breaks at the same place and sometimes at the same time.

 One day while Libby was working Ace came in and while he took a sip of his soda; she noticed he had a small bandage on his hand; she asked him about it, and he said it was from a piece of tin he used to to fix the leaking roof of a tool shed for Mr. Jackson. She knows it can be hard to mess with tin so she understood it and offered a free slice of pie or a milkshake to make him feel better of course she would pay for it. He agreed with a smile but the smile was short lived as Cade walked in the door.

 “Still trying to steal my girlfriend? Give up already.” Cade said as he walked passed and kissed Libby in front of Ace.

 “We are friends, friends can still talk to each other.”

 “Friends don't flirt.”

 “How was I flirting with her?”

 “That stupid smile of yours.”

 “Guys please stop.” Libby said stepping in.

 “Right, sorry. I'll finish my apple pie and leave.”

 “Are you going to eat Cade?” Libby said leading Cade to a booth on the other side where Ace was.

 “My usual sweetheart. Later I'll cook for you.”

 “Of course.” Libby said going back.

 Ace left not long after that and also Cade left after finishing his food. Libby finished her shift with no more events happening and she kept thinking about how her boyfriend and her best friend fighting over her...she was unsure about these weird feeling stirring inside her...she loves Cade but she cares for Ace too and just wants them to get along so they can all hang out together. Pushing this a side she gathered up her stuff and started to walk home; both guys still worked and no other murder has happened so she felt safe walking home alone, but it wasn't long before she felt like she was being followed again.

 “Little Libby Lewis?” A soft female voice said from behind her.

 A little shocked,  Libby jumped before turning around only to find little old lady Mrs. Wells; who ran the local flower shop, she didn't realize she was out in front of her store. She was a small lady about 5' ft even with soft  white hair round glasses and very caring light blue eyes.

 “Oh Mrs. Wells it's been awhile. How are you?” Libby asked her.

 “I'm just fine, wow look at you, you are all grown up now. The stories are true, you came back to you old home. That's great.”

 “Yes ma'am, I am. I have actually been here for a little over a month now.” she answered her.


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