Chapter 13: Decisions Decisions

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That next morning when she woke up, Libby had messaged her mom  to see if she would meet her for lunch break because she wanted to ask her about a few things. Making sure to not worry her mother too much, she said it was just some guy trouble that she was having. Once it was time for her lunch break she left and they went to her house for some sandwiches.

 “Hey doodles.”

 “Hey mom, thanks for meeting me.”

 “No problem sweetie it's a Saturday so I don't have to worry about school, so tell me everything; what's going on?”

 “Well, um obviously I had a fight with both Cade and Kelsey because they slept together. I told Cade I didn't want to see him but I meant like I didn't want to see him at that time so that I could think about everything. Well he left and moved to Alabama, and part of me even though hurt still cares for him. I wanna see him again and wanna talk to him, but I'm not sure if that would be a good thing. Then there is Ace, he is so nice and has been so caring to me, and well last night he actually said that he loves me and he um...well he kissed me. I like him but I don't know what to do; because I still care for Cade and also I miss talking to Kelsey. I mean when you are best friends with some one for over 10 years you can't just forget them. I just don't what to do about any of this.” she told her mom letting out a big sigh.

 “Well my doodles I do understand all of that, I think you should at least message both Cade and Kelsey from time and time just talk about things and bring back that friendship a little at a time. Then as for the real boy trouble I would say at least give Ace a shot while you try to patch things up with Cade; I mean don't rush into anything; but give him a shot. I mean if it doesn't work out with Ace I'm sure you can still be friends but if you work things out with Cade it will work in that way as well. Let him go and if he comes back then that proves you were meant to be together, but fix the friendship part first. If in a week or two you still want to run off to Cade then go a head; but if you are still unsure about this in two weeks then you aren't putting in any effort. Even if it's just one date; I still say give Ace a chance.” her mother told her.

 “Yeah, I guess you're right . Alright, I'll wait a week then try a date with Ace...but what if I'm still confused after the date?”

 “Then we can talk again, but I'm sure it will all work out. Now you should probably head back to work; I'll talk to you later, Love you my doodles.” she said standing up and putting the plates in the sink.

 “Thanks mommy. I love you too.” she said hugging her mom and kissing her check before leaving to go back to work.

 After she did exactly what her mother said; she would text Cade to check on him and see how he was doing, she would message Kelsey to see about apologizing and talking again only to be meet with excuse after excuse on why they couldn't meet. Then she would also message Ace and they would sometimes spend lunch breaks together. This went on for a whole week until she decided that she would wait until that following Friday to go for that date with Ace. She was planning on doing a picnic by that hidden lake she knew about; she figured that perhaps having the date there could either help her move on from Cade or from Ace.

 So that morning around ten am she got up to start working on all the food and snacks that she wanted to have at the picnic; then she also worked on some sweet tea and lemonade, followed by some cookies. Once all that was done she messaged him to see if he would be ok with hanging out with her, and of course he said yes but he did have something to finish at the shop. So she said it was fine and went to take a shower and put on a cute yellow sunflower sundress; after she started packing everything into a picnic basket and another bag that also held the blanket and no it wasn't plaid but it was a cute one with flowers covering it. Once she got it all fixed up and grabbed her phone she saw that it was now noon and Ace said he'd be there around one. So she cleaned up all of her dishes and made sure everything else was cleaned when she heard a knock on her door.

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