Chapter 14: Two-Get-Her

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Libby was still enveloped in warmth and she could feel the warm sunlight hit her face from the window; this woke her up where she realized she could hear another heartbeat where she laid her head on a warm muscular chest. She looked up to find Ace staring back at her and everything from last night came back rushing back to her head and she started to blush again.

 “Morning.” Ace said smiling at her.

 “Morning.” she said smiling back as she buried her head in his chest again.

 “You ok? How's your back?” he asked rubbing her back.

 “I'm good, thanks.”

 “I'll go make us some coffee and then I'll walk you to work.” he said getting up as Libby rolled over.

 “Thanks.” she mumbled into the pillows.

 As Ace was downstairs making coffee she managed to get herself out of bed and took a quick shower then headed downstairs to meet him; where he already had two cups waiting on the table. Not only that but he actually had some bagels ready for her with her favorite cream cheese on it. After the coffee and bagels; they left and walked hand in hand to her job at the salon, yet the walk was filled with passing people who talked mostly about her and not all was good.

 “Awe they look so cute; and like such a happy couple.”

 “Glad she finally left that rough kid Cade he wasn't good for her.”

 “She hasn't known this guy that long though has see?”

 “No, and if you ask me, she moved on from Cade a little too fast!”

 “Hey when you are young, love and relationships are different then when you are older. You two need to take it easier on her.”

 “No I don't think it is or that I have to. She was with Cade all through high-school, broke up with him and left him heartbroken when he didn't deserve that. Go to collage, had a new boyfriend just to break up and come home; get back with him; break up and date this new guy. To me that is the same as a tramp.”

 “Allan, don't say that. What if she hears you or what if her father does?”

 “You ok Libby babe?” Ace asked pulling her closer.

 “Yeah I've learned long ago to ignore them, lots of old people can be more judgey then teenagers.” she said just picking up the pace.

 They finally made it to her work where he again asked if she was fine; when she said yes; he gave her a kiss goodbye and told her to call if she need anything before she got off. She was still thinking about what was said on the walk that she didn't notice the feeling of some one watching them; but Ace did and so he decided to take the long way to his job; he had the mechanic shop today.

 This work shift of hers was a good one, the customers where sweet and it was too busy; her lunch break one of the ladies that always comes in brought some chicken and dumplings for everyone. The shift went by fast after that and she even found herself laughing a bit and forgetting about everything that was said about her on the walk. Once the shift was over she clocked out and when she walked out the door, she found Ace waiting for her but just as soon as she walked up to him to give him a hug. Her dad pulled up in his car looking frantic.

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