Chapter 18: The end

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“Nice try baby.” Ace said as he yanked open the closet door only to find...clothes.

 It was the right room but wrong door, she had pressed herself behind the bedroom door and as soon as he opened the closet door she took off back down the hall. Again even though he is injured he was strong enough to fight through it and catch her right at the top of the stairs. He had grabbed her arm and she turned around to punch him but that didn't stop him, he grabbed her arm tighter and she forgot that ditching the knife meant that he now had it. So he held her arm tight and placed the knife against her neck, not drawing any blood...yet. She stood shaking but didn't dare to try and fight or ran now.

 “Now now my little kitty; you got some claws and lots of fight. How about we just calm down, look I don't wanna hurt you; I really don't wanna hurt that pretty face or that gorgeous body of yours...oh yeah does your mother know about that tattoo on your back?”

 “Is that all I am to you? Just a nice body and pretty face?”

 “Oh no, you are much more than that, like I said before, I fell for your kindness. You are very beautiful and smart; but there was a day when a four-eyed kid was walking around campus and some older guys punched him in the stomach for talking to one of the girls they were banging; but the poor kid was just lost and wanted to ask for directions. As he was trying to gather his books he dropped a hand reached out to help this poor loser. That hand belonged to an angel. Do you remember?” he asked her as he placed the cold metal against her cheek.

 “The very first day of my sophomore year.”

 “That's right, you helped me when others walked past and even when the others tried to tell you it wasn't worth helping me. I mean a four eyed new kid, messy hair, busted lip and black eye along with the gut punch it was easy to understand why others walked away, but not you.”

 “So he never forgot that one day huh?”

 “Oh no, not by a long shot. In fact, he started to do whatever he could to thank her and to try and get closer to her; found her dorm-room and would leave her flowers or candy or anything really with a little note. Started to take the same classes as her to spend some time with her; he also always made sure she had something to drink and that she would never run out of paper or something to write with. Then she started to date this jerk who always made eyes with other girls and would try to flirt with them; even with some of the female teachers, so something had to be done so she wouldn't get hurt or used by this jerk.”

 “So you drugged him just like with Cade and Kelsey.”

 “Yes, but that proves he was a jerk because when they woke up in bed; they didn't apologize to you or anything; no they kept sleeping around with each other. Cade was the same; see I mean it; no one can love you like I can. You deserve true love, real love of someone who is going to do sweet things for you and protect you, you need me...marry me.” he said kissing all over face from her forehead to her nose cheek her whole face but he kept the knife close.

 “If you love me, why trap me in this house?”

 “I just wanna make sure that you don't get hurt; you see out there everyone will hurt you; but in here with me I can protect you and treat you right.” he said moving his hands to her waist making sure that the knife pointed out towards the side.

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