Chapter 12: Close or not

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It has been about a month since Ace had shown her the picture of her boyfriend and best friend in bed together after too much day drinking; not only that but it has been a month since she finally had to accept the fact that her brother was really gone. She had a fight with both of her friends so now they are ex-boyfriend who she said she didn't want to see and hasn't seen in this whole month; her now ex-best friend hasn't talked to her even though she asked but if they run into each other in the grocery store Kelsey just looks down and walks away. It was too much trying to work at the dinner with cutting the hours but working more days so instead Libby gave up the dinner and went to work at the hair salon; they got busier since Mr. Claybourne died.

 Meanwhile with all of this her father still ask for her help because they have yet to figure out who did kill the people in town but after the guy in the barn there hasn't been any more murders. Ace stayed by her side; checking on her everyday and making sure that she ate and that she didn't overwork herself. Yet she was still hurt, she forced herself to accept that her brother was gone and not coming back; lost her two best friends and even though she told Cade that she didn't want to see him; she still needed to talk to him; he still was the only one who could really comfort her when she needed it the most. She honestly didn't care anymore that he cheated; they can talk about it and work through it; she just wanted to talk to him; she needed to talk to him. Just as she reached for her phone it went off with a call from Ace.

 “Hey are you doing ok today?”

 “I'm fine. Thanks for always checking on me.”

 “Of course no problem. I'm here if you need me for anything; I care about you and worry about you.”

 “I know. You really are too kind to me.”

 “Am I not allowed to be?”

 “No it's fine. I don't mind but you really don't have to be this nice.”

 “Sure I do. Hey could I come over and cook for you today?”

 “Cook for me? You can cook you never told me that. Is there anything you can't do?”

 “I can't fly.”

 “Cute; so what did you want to cook for me?”

 “My moms recipe of lasagna is amazing and she taught me how to make it...I mean I'm no chief and I'm not as good as her...but...”

 “I'm sure that it would still taste amazing. Let's meet at my place at say eight?”

 “Eight sound great. See you tonight.” he said hanging up.

 That for some reason had put a small smile on her face; a smile that she never thought she'd be able to do again. She actually managed to keep that smile through her whole shift and many people kept commenting on how they loved that smile and that whoever gave it to her is a lucky guy; if he can cause it and see it often. Could this mean that she was falling for Ace? No she just likes him as a friend besides she still hasn't fully moved on from Cade.

 Soon her shift was done and she finished sweeping then headed out the door towards her house. She sent a text to Ace to let him know that she was off work and on her way home so that way they could meet up. She also asked if there was anything she could do but he insisted that tonight was his treat that she need only worry about enjoying herself. Libby not wanting him to do everything still wanted to do something; she stopped by and bought a chocolate cake for them to share from the local bakery, once home she put the cake on the table just as there was a knock from the front door.

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