Chapter 3: Working Hard

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The sound of the alarm clock woke Libby up and as she was finishing getting ready she heard a knock at her door. She was curious but thought it might be her parents so she finished getting ready and headed downstairs towards the door only to find someone on the other side...someone she thought or had hoped rather; not to see until later in the week. The man standing on the other side of the door was the tall blonde with his usual leather jacket and ripped jeans with those familiar blue eyes staring back at her...yep her high-school ex...and the only man she ever truly loved.

 “Well, hello and what can I do for you today Mr. Memphis?” she said trying to stay calm.

 “That's cute, but we both know that's just a nickname from you...nobody else ever calls me that.”

 “Cade look that was high-school, it's not the same, we are grown now and I'm trying to be professional.” she said letting out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

 “Professional? We don't work together and you are right; we are grown, we are adults now and so you don't have to worry about what daddy dearest has to say or what he would do; it's your choice now.” Cade said leaning on the door frame.

 “Cade there is more to it than that...I mean we broke up so it's different now.”

 “Correction, you broke up with me.”

 “Look I gotta go to work, let's not talk about this right now.” Libby said grabbing her purse and keys before stepping outside and closing the door.

 “Alright, we'll talk later but about I give you a ride?” Cade said walking over to his motorcycle which was a nice Harley that he had driven since high-school.

 “A ride on your bike? No thanks I can walk...besides I know how it will end...and I really need to go to work and not stop anywhere else.” Libby said walking past him and down the sidewalk.

 “Then I'll walk with you.”

 “You don't have to.”

 “But I want to.”

 “Alright.” Libby said knowing that this was a losing battle for her.

 “Why so tense? It's just me...I just want to talk to you.” Cade said staying close but not too close to Libby knowing how she is.

 “I know's just...never mind. What is it you want to talk about so badly.” Libby said softly as she looked down at her feet.

 “About us mostly. I wanna know how you were when you left but I really wanna know why you left in the first place. Why you left me?”

 “Cade there is no us anymore, I left for college...look we were just kids back then ok just high-school kids.” Libby said trying to quicken her pace.

 “I'd like to think we were more than just kids. I mean between that night out by the lake and the many times in your bedroom...”

 “Cade!” Libby yelled stopping and turning to face him.

 “What I'm just saying...we weren't kids then and we aren't kids now...Lib please talk to me and explain something to me. I never thought you'd ever come back; we didn't have closure or at least I didn't feel like we did. I mean you just came by one day and said 'it's over and I'm going off to collage' that was it with no explanation or a sorry and worse of all not even a goodbye. I just want something...did I do something wrong? Was it me? Like what happened?”

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