Chapter 2: The New Guy

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Libby's alarm went off at 8 the following morning, so she got up and got dressed before heading downstairs. She went to her fridge and grabbed herself a water bottle that her mother had left for her as well as some of the leftovers from the night before. She grabbed her water, keys and phone then headed out the door; heading for the dinner. It was probably about an hour or so walk but before she knew it, she was walking into the dinner only to have her ear drums busted by someone screaming her name.

 “Libby!!! Little Libby Lewis!!! Ah!!” the voice came from her long and lifetime best friend Kelly who quickly ran and put her arms around her in a huge bear hug.

 Now her best friend Kelly was only about 5'3 but she was strong for her height, she was about 138 pounds of muscle if she really tried she could easily pick Libby up. Yet she just squeezed her tight, Kelly also had long brown hair down to the middle of her back with matching brown eyes and just a well sassy and spunky spirit.

 “Kel, I can't breathe.” Libby managed to get out.

 “Kelly let her go, you have customers to help. So get back to work, I need to interview her now.” Mrs. Smith said walking over.

 “Yes ma'am, I'm so happy we get to work together!” Kel said letting go and walking back to a table of an older couple.

 “Good to see you Libby, come on and have a seat, we'll talk over here.” Mrs. Smith said walking over to a nearby booth, as Libby followed her over.

 Now Kara-lee Smith was a women in about her late 50s who had actually grow up with her parents, and also tutored her mother in math. Mrs. Smith had black hair with a patch of white; and it was a white patch not gray; forming at the top of her hair that she kept put up in a bun. She also had blue eyes that stayed behind a pair of red rimmed glasses that matched her lipstick; for her age she kept herself looking young.

 “So you mother tells me that you are in need of a that right?” she asked Libby as they sat down.

 “Yes, I just moved back here yesterday and was hoping I could get a job to start getting money come in and take care of myself...I don't mom and dad to keep using their money when I can get a job and take care of myself.” Libby answered.

 “I agree, any experiences with being a waitress?”

 “Well, I did work at a local restaurant near campus, more of a sports bar really...but I did have to wait on a few tables and take people drinks and snacks...not quite something like this but still.”

 “That's good, waitressing at any place is still what hours can you work?”

 “Any really....I could actually start tomorrow if you'd like say from like 8 or 9 until we close.”

 “Just make it the same as mine!” Kelly yelled from the other side of the dinner where she was refilling a cup of coffee for a customer.

 “Kelly.” Mrs. Smith said a little sternly.

 “Sorry, I'm working.” Kelly said walking back towards the kitchen.

 “Alright so you said you could start tomorrow and work from pretty much open to close, and we will get an hour lunch break and 15 minutes in-between. We don't want to over kill you...does that sound good?”

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