Chaoter 4: First Sign of Trouble

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That morning she woke up and got ready than walked to work. She had made it to the diner and through the first half of her shift there, without seeing or hearing from Cade or Ace, but she did get to talk to Old man Jennings.

 “Can I get you some more coffee?” she asked him as he held a firm grip on his empty cup; staring almost anxiously out the window.

 “Has the aliens tampered with it again?” he asked pointing a shaking finger at the pot Libby held firmly in her hand.

 “Oh! No sir! I had made sure to put the barrier around it like you told me to sir. They can not possible have gotten past it.” she told him smiling back.

 Now Old man Jennings as most call him was a sweet man with no family. They all left him alone here once his wife died, and not long after his mind went...not just dementia but some PTSD from the Vietnam war he was a sniper. Now he spends most of his time watching out for the aliens drinking coffee, means no harm; bushy gray beard with long gray hair in a ponytail, bulky green jacket covering a gray sweatshirt and baggy army pants.

 “Good job solider!” he said holding his cup out for her to fill up.

 “Sir, yes sir!” Libby said pouring him another coffee before she went back behind the counter and put the coffee pot back.

 “He is such a sweet guy, so sad that he doesn't have anyone.” Mrs. Smith said to her as she walked back.

 “I know, I can't believe that his family left when he needed them most.” Libby said handing a customer at the bar his food.

 “Well not everyone could have such a wonderful kid like you. You have always been so kind, helpful to any and everyone. You truly have a heart of gold and you attract all kinds of people; like that nice boy from yesterday...tell him that I really appreciate him fixing this machine for us.” the older lady said filling a a large cup with a strawberry milkshake which she was taking to a young couple sitting in the corner booth after skipping school.

 “Bring back memories?” Kelsey asked as she saw Libby staring at the young couple sharing a milkshake.

 “I don't know what you're talking about.”

 “Oh please. You and Cade snuck out all the time in high-school. I know you shared a milkshake or know being all lovey-dovey and then run off and make out in a field.” Kells teased making a kissy face.

 “Enough Kells, let's get back to work before you get us fired.”


 “Back to work girls...but I do also recall another young couple doing the same.” Mrs. Smith said walking over.

 “Yeah I know. Cade and I did spend a lot of time here.”

 “True but I was actually referring to your parents.”

 “My Parents?”

 “Oh yeah, I noticed they had started to sneak out so one day I followed them and sure enough they came here sat at that very booth and shared a milkshake. I had originally planned on getting them in trouble but once I saw them there, seeing how so in love they were I just couldn't. Hey  I'm sorry that you and Cade didn't work out; I thought you had the same thing...but maybe another person could fix that maybe. I mean wouldn't hurt to give someone a chance who has already helped you once before.”

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