Chapter 5: 1st Killing

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The next day when Libby woke she caught the smell of bacon cooking which would be followed by eggs, sausage and some grits. So she got up knowing it had to be her mom; probably let herself in and started cooking...sometimes her parents over-protectiveness and worry can be a bit much but at times she likes it, so she got up, got ready and headed downstairs.

 “Morning Doodles! Hungry? I got breakfast ready, did you sleep well last nigh?” as soon as she spotted her daughter she was already setting up a plate for her.

 “Thanks momma, and I did get some sleep.” Libby answered as she sat at the table with the plate and glass of apple juice her mom gave her.

 “So how are you feeling? I heard about that crazy old man from the dinner, you ok?” her mom asked sitting down next to her.

 “I'm ok.”

 “Well we do promise to find him and put him in jail.” Her dad said walking into the kitchen holding the towns newspaper in his hand.

 “You hungry dear? Can't catch a criminal on an empty stomach.”

 “I'm fine, but Lib sweetheart are you going to take the day off or try to work? I'd like for you to take the day off but I can't make the choice for you.” Her dad as he sat down at the small table as well.

 “I think I'm gonna work, I don't want one guy to ruin my life but not letting me go back to work.” she answered as she kept eating her food.

 “That's my girl...need me to drop you off?”

 “Oh no that's ok, I'll be fine...actually Ace offered to walk me to work today.”

 “Good, he's a real good guy. I like him and you should to.”


 “I'm just saying.” Dad said as he drank his coffee.

 They finished eating and talking about the event that happened then after her mother cleaned up the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge; her mom and dad said their goodbyes and left. Once they left, she messaged Ace then waited in the living room for him. It was about 5 or 10 minutes but then Ace was there to walk her to work.

 “Hey, how are you feeling today?” he asked her when she opened the door.

 “I'm good, or well...I'm ok.”

 “Good and your wrist?”

 “Bruised.” she said looking down.

 “May I?” he asked holding his hand out.

 “Yeah.” she said placing her hand in his; he slowly pushed her sleeve up and there was a clear bruise of a hand around her wrist; Ace softly moved his fingers across the bruise then bent down to kiss the mark.


 “Sorry....they will heal and be gone in about a week or two. So shall I walk you to work?” he asked as he stood up straight.

 “Of course.” Libby agreed as they walked out the door and she locked up.

 The walk to her job wasn't a a particularly long but it was a good walk and long enough for them to talk and Ace made sure to hold her hand gently. He asked her about how the night was and if she was able to get any sleep, pretty much they were talking about just how the other was doing; and what they were hoping for today to go like. Soon they made it to the dinner.

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