Real home

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Few days later...

The days passed and it was a month, Jungkook had switched off his phone to other calls, focusing strictly on work and you... the two of you almost forgot your former partners as they even decided to move in together in a week.... Everything was going well until one day few of men entered the office clearly armed... enquiring about him.... You always being that kind of leader that leads from the front, ready to take a bullet for your employees spoke up....

Y/N: Excuse me but what do you think you are you looking for?

Jungkook who heard your hoarse , formal voice that you only used when you felt intimidated peeked from his cabin trying to look at the people you were talking to as his expression slowly turned wide with horror, immediately sprinting forwards you...

Jungkook: Hey... they are looking for me... what is the matter....

Man: We are trying to reach out to you from so many days... they have summoned a meeting.... and your presence is essential... I'm sorry....

Y/N looked confused while Jungkook immediately spoke...

Jungkook: Yah that's no problem.... Y/N is it ok if I take a day off? I need to take care of some personal business...

You nodded letting him deal with his matters and he exited with the people......

Jungkook's POV

I ran out of the place as soon as I could...driving out of there I immediately ran back home...

My home where I used to live with my family.... well not all of us were related by blood... but one thing that bound us together... our work... our business... and out ancestral friendship, more like our ancestry pushed us into this work and now we were all in this mess together ...

Jimin: So? how did it go?

Jungkook: W-what do you mean?

I didn't expect to be bombarded with questions as soon as set foot... but again they didn't really care about me... or how I was....

Jimin: Did you do it?

My eyes widened... I could feel my knees weaken... did he know?... Could he know I was sleeping with her? Maybe he has eyes on me? 

Jungkook: W-what?

I asked innocently, not knowing what was the matter for this sudden meeting

Jimin's POV

7 months passed in a flash, everything used to be alright..., when the Kim's came to me with the news of my brother, first I wasn't sure what they were asking me ... but when they told me the entire Jeons group would belong to me, I was happy, and agreed right away, it was way better than the daily struggle of a normal life... Money was everywhere, and it was all mine... 

I thought I would be fine without Y/N we weren't anything much, I only used her for her money and attention, but few months passed and I missed it... how she always cared for me, made sure I was always happy.... I was guilty and I didn't want to bother her again ever... 

I thought she would be happy without me since I was only a burden on her shoulders until I found out she started sending out flyers of missing person and appointing people to investigate my disappearance... she was rich... she could definitely afford to fuck this up for me....

 I had to put an end to this, she was attracting too much attention to herself, and me. Jungkook who was in his semi-retirement period took up the task to make her stop.....

Jimin: Did you ask her to stop looking for me?

Jungkook: Y-yeah... I guess it worked...

I asked him but the look on his face was was as if he is lying straight to my face.... But I didn't care... I was okay with whatever he was doing... I didn't have any more time to spend on Y/N... I needed my brother here.... helping me out... 2 months were enough... and I really needed Jungkook's help to get things done as I was no good at it....

Jimin: What's that supposed to mean?

Jungkook: She uh...Yeahh... she decided to move on....with someone else...

My heart clenched... But I told myself it was no big deal... 4 years the things she had done for me were enough... I didn't want to drown in the guilty of using her even though I missed her like hell....

Jimin: Hmm yeah... She deserves a good life.... what about you... will you join us back? I – I don't think anyone minds now... and Yoongi hyung isn't here to condemn it....

Jungkook:*chuckle* No I'm good where I am... I think I'll continue my job's peaceful...

Jimin: *laugh* Does she pay you that much?

Jungkook: I just like the job... its good for a change

Taehyung: The job or the CEO?

Jimin: What?

I narrowed my gaze on the two... While Jungkook was looking away...



uthors note:

Ok so for people who are wondering... I've divided the 7 members into different families... So Jimin, Yoongi and Jungook are from one family... I havent bothered with their surnames since it doesnt feel good if I call them all Jeon.. so lets say their clan is Jeon but they have different surnames, fanfiction liscence to do write u feel like🤣😂

Then Taehyung , Lia and Jin are from one family, Hobi and Joon are from one family... Again havent bothered with their surnames...

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