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Yoongi grabbed Taehyung who charged at Jungkook who was barely conscious... god knows how, but the environment was so dense, Jungkook broke out in loud sobs... howling as he thought about his dead wife and child.... guess he was too involved in his character that he forgot that the baby wasn't his.... probably he just missed her and having to think she had gone from his life leaving him alone, hurt him....

Yoongi: k-Kook.... calm down... please...

Taehyung broke into tears as he mourned her death....

Jungkook: Hyung...what-t what about m-m-my b-baby?


His sobs became louder as he began to lose consciousness... Jin was so broken he didn't even bother to visit him... Hobi had come almost immediately when he heard the news of the accident...

It had been a few days, but Jungkook hadn't said a word... he refused to eat... they put him on IV for almost a week... but he wouldn't agree to eat... some days he wouldn't sleep.... Hobi was there through and through with him....

Jungkook had never imagined that this make up accident would be so traumatic for him... nobody visited him... he wondered why his own brother wouldn't visit him so he picked up the phone and called him...

Jungkook: H-hyung..?...

Yoongi: We saw the footage of the accident... couldn't you have been a bit careful... she and your child are gone, are you going to take responsibility for those 2 innocent lives....

Jungkook: I-I am sorry...

Yoongi: Whatever relationship we had.... let's end it... nobody wants to see your face...

Jungkook: H-hyung –please—I have no-

Yoongi had already hung up as Jungkook broke into small hiccups as he gathered himself....

Hobi: Sh... Sh... Your hyung is here... I'll always be here....

Jungkook: WH—why won't they see me ... it... it was an accident... I've lost her already.... s-should I lose everybody else?

Hobi: They will come around... you need to work on getting better.... come on.... the doctor said you are good to go only if you start eating... you can see your Hyung then... right?

Jungkook smiled wiping his tears... happy to be going home to his Hyung....

Next day

He stood at the door step with a bandage around his neck as nobody would let him in...

Jungkook: Open the door...

Guard: Sir, Yoongi sir, has told us not to let you in....

Jungkook looked at Hobi who assured him everything will be fine

Hobi: Move or be moved...

The guards moved away and let the two enter...

Jungkook smiled seeing his Hyung after a long time... but Yoongi had no expression on his face.... Lia was after all everyone's favourite, and everyone was looking for someone to blame, and Jungkook was smack in the middle of that "cause" and unexpectedly all the blame came on to him....

The maids had packed all bags and brought them downstairs... as Yoongi pointed at the bags as he said....

Yoongi: Don't come back...

Jungkook: H-hyung...

Hobi: Hyung, that is too much, he has just lost his wife and child you think it's easy for him?

Yoongi: His wife was also like a daughter of this house, sister to two, and the child... was our blood and he ruined everything...

Hobi: It was just an accident... Jungkook is your own blood... kicking him out, that's not an option...

Yoongi: I have to... I have to respect the Kim family... their only daughter is dead... kicking him out is the least I can do to ease their sorrow...

Jungkook: B-but... I am your brother ... wh-where am I supposed to go.... y-you are all I got... Hyung please don't do this....

But Yoongi was relentless, he made sure his bags were thrown out as Jungkook sobbed getting out of the house....

Hobi: Where do you think you are going?

Jungkook: I-I just want to be alone for a week... maybe see Jimin? it's been a while I've seen him...

Hobi: And where will you stay?

Jungkook: I don't want to worry you anymore... thank you Hyung, I'll always remember what you have done for me..... I guess it comes to an end here...

Time Skip

Searching for his family Jungkook arrived to Jimin's location over a period of few months, where he stayed with his girlfriend, not wanting to interrupt their stable life, he decided to fix a meeting with his brother and Jimin accepted as it had been too long....

Jungkook: H-hi.... Hyung.... how are you...

Jimin: I uh... I'm good... what happened to your face...

Jungkook explained the whole fake story, of him losing his child and wife in the accident while Jimin was having a hard time processing the entire thing... finally with tears in his eyes Jungkook asked

Jungkook: I-is it ok if I live with you for a while. Hyung? I... uh... don't really have a place...I'm all alone....

Jimin: *chuckle* You are joking right?

Jungkook shook his head like a little child, his last hope on the line...

Jimin: J-Jung kook, I can't... my girlfriend would freak out... and you are still in that line of work... I'm sure you will figure it out... Please... I hope you understand... I don't want anything to do with that world... I'm sorry...

Jungkook sat still and shocked as he came to terms with how he had nobody... he was all by himself... and Jimins words struck him hard... 'you will figure it out'... with the fractured hand he walked around like a homeless person... after a walk that felt like forever a car stopped right in front of him.... he was ready to throw hands at the whoever got down of the car but the door opened...but an old man got out...

???: Mr.Jeon, I'm the butler of the Wang family....

Jungkook: Pfft... Congratulations....

???: Sir, Mr. Wang has passed away... if you know what I mean... and he has asked me to escort you to his funeral...

Jungkook: And you are?

???: Song.... Master Wang used to call me Song...

Jungkook: And Mr. Song... why am I supposed to believe you?

Song: In his last days, he mentioned your name repeatedly, saying you were the closest he felt to a family...

Jungkooks eyes were saying a thousand words, as he inhaled sharply holding all those tears back in those ocean like eyes of his...

Jungkook: Would Mr. Wang really want me to be there?

Song: I swear it.... he would have wanted nothing more... after what you did for him...

Jungkook realised that Wang must have told Mr. Song about all the plan....

Jungkook: Fine... let's go...

Jungkook entered the car while few more people got down taking his luggage... they even got him his favorite food, that quiet surprised him how they knew....

Song: Mr. Wang said these are your favorites

Jungkook: Yeahhh... *sob* he loves these too....

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