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Chapter 4

The landline rang Ava ignored it. Who's that? It's unknown when I answer I hear static I called the phone company they are sending someone tomorrow. They think the line is cross with a cable line. I unplugged the bedroom phone, ignore it. Ava put her cell phone on mute they were both tired, they spent the weekend inside netflix and chilling.

How's your back? Doctor said to relax the muscles this weekend. She looked into his grey sweat pants. Don't start. I can suck it. Then ill have to fuck it. Haha.  Couple more days baby, she snuggled him I can wait. I'll  go get us some snacks we ran out. Fresh fruit? What kind? No matter bae.

Ava shopped her phone ringing again FUCK! this negro got me pit here cussin in the parking lot.

What the fuck do you want nigga! Ava I told you please help me.

Why the fuck in gods green earth should I help your sorry trifling ass?! She was banging her car wheel.

Ava last night o was hooded and beaten horribly by three men. Im so weak i couldn't defend myself for the love of God please I'm begging you for any ounce of feeling you have left for me please go report it to the police as a missing persons report.

Hahahaha! A ounce of feeling you said? Did I hear you correctly?

Look what we have here, my God sits high and looks low don't he Chaise? He said ill make your enemies your foot stool make them bow before you.

Ava this aint you baby. DONT FUCKIN BABY ME NIGGER! Thirty five years thirty fucking five. Thirty married five together. I was with you when your sorry family put you the fuck out for the trash you are.

Now you have the gaul the audacity to call me asking--
Begging Ava I'm begging not asking.

718 555 2834 did you get that? What's that? You're so sorry and pitiful, that's your mothers number fool.

Ava my mother died three year's ago I have no sister's or brother's just you. I'll never bother you again. There was static but she heard him clear.

I already explained I can't help you. Can't or won't? Put the report it Ava that's it... that's all I ask breathing laboured. Ask? Why do you think you are entitled to ask for anything?

What did you do Chaise? To end up here? I don't know. Not that what did you do to me? To us Chaise?

Ava are you going to help me or not? I asked a fucking question.

The call ended.

Chaise called back What! Listen stop calling I have a fiance and I won't let you interrupt my life. Call 911 they will pick up where you are and help you. Ava don't you think i keep calling 911? She has some kind of scrambler on the house for cell phones. How are you calling me?

Remember when we first married I worked for Nynex? And? I found an old landline wire on the baseboards went through some boxes found a telephone workers pole phone some one worked for New York Telephone I'm guessing. I can get a call out and sometimes not I had to try you thirty two times before I got you.

All I'm asking is you report me missing Ava.

That's for your wife to do, don't call back.

Ava sat in her car shaky, she looked at herself in the mirror guilt beginning to sweep over her. Ava Ann? Ava Ann! Yes ma'am? We is all God's people God sits high and he have the blessing of looking low and when you think no one see you hurting another one.of his creatures--
Nana i didn't hurt and dog. Haha, oh not a dog..a human. We is creatures to chile. When he see that, oh boy he is not happy not at all. 

What should I do? Be kind to other's, don't do what you don't want did to you.

The memory of her raising faded with the splashing rain drops on her windshield. Ava looked down she balled her fists so tight her nails cut into her fleshy palms, blood drops dripping on her wheat colored sweater.

Where she would cry normally this shit was a whole other level. This was feeding the angry Ava, the scorned upset Ava.

The vengeful Ava.

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