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Chapter 20

Ava woke showered ate and dressed thank God it was Saturday. She was caught up on all her paperwork, contracts and purchase order bills were paid.

The leases on both space's were renewed and Roxie reported the bank reversed the money they were scammed out of by Belle.

In addition Roxie secured nine additional city exterminaton contract's. Thank god business affairs was in track and up to par again.

Ava put on a track suit and tucked her 45 snub nose Saturday Night Special in her waist and headed to the aspire estates.

She rode around slow careful not to fall into any open ditches and pot holes. The place was full of them some blocks had no sidewalks or streets. She stopped her car to think a moment.

Her father was a hunter he alway's told her everything and everyone made tracks. She stepped out the car looking around there were no track's where she was.

She made note of the streets she was on as not to confuse her tracks then she came to a tiny block with four houses on a dead end street.

There were faint tire tracks going to the last house on the end of the block. Ava couldn't drive in because there was a huge crater in the street instead she parked on the back block hiding her truck under an over grown sycamore tree.

Ava purposely left her door's unlocked she put her phone on vibrate.

Ava pulled her hood adorned in all black she walked to the dead end street careful with her footing she realized the cement was weak.

She held the wooden rotting fences of the houses. She walked up to the houses looking in window's off old porches.

She did that for all five houses and nothing. Damn Ava looked at the dead end wal realizing there was a right turn at the wall leading to another dead end. She could see her hidden car past the gate closing the block off from the next street.

It looked like something the previous residents did without city approval. Had the city sanctioned it the wall would of been brick or cement.

Ava examined the gate poison ivy covered it also there by the residents as a deterrent for any one wanting to climb the gate.

Ava noticed there was a child play area sign present.

This was an abandoned area there wasn't much car or foot traffic.

She picked up a metal pipe pulling and pushing the poison ivy mixed with thorn bush cocktail bushes to the side.

Ava noticed it covered several holes cut in the metal gate from the block behind the house her car was parked on.

She guessed the resident's of the block grew the poision Ivy and thorn bushes on the fence line to cover the breech in their failed security attempt.

The Ivy looked like it worked the holes were over grown and thick with climbing vine and four inch thorns.

Ava checked the large house around the bin the last on street.

There was a shiny new lock on the old crack painted basement door.

She could see that off the porch through the kitchen window.

She went around the side the basement window cracked that side of the house was shady the basement dark Ava whispered in the window.

CHAISE? SCOTT? CHAISE? SCOTT? Ava? Chaise was literally skin and bones he went from a 280 pound 6.2 man to 153 pounds in five month's. Chaise was dehydrated smelled like shit, his teeth hurt and so did his head and eyes.

Mandel Chaise called to him with a raspy voice Mandel. Chaise tossed a small pebble at his head waking him. What Chaise?

You hear that? Ava is calling me. You're hearing things because you're dying Chaise.

Scott? Scott?

Mandel looked to the window thank God Ava is it really you? Yes Mandel.

Ava you need to leave now and go get the police NOW Ava. Hurry! I need to get you both first.

Scott looked up to her pretty eyes staring down at them. That's all he could see from the angel he was sitting.

No Ava Chaise has been keeping a tally of day's Belle has been showing up it's been every six to eight day's.

Ava it's the seventh day she can show up any day at any time please call the cop's go girl now.

Ava? Ava? Scott called to her and looked out the tiny casement window for her eye's she wasn't there. Dammit he struggled to free himself again to loosen the pipe he was cuffed to.

Ava used the metal stick she found in the rubble on the ground she climbed in the porch window it wasn't locked making sure to lower the window behind her.

She pushed the metal stick stick in the pad behind the lock twisting and pulling until the screws gave way splitting the wood. The door opened the smell was horrific Ava covered her face with her tiny hand.

No, no Ava you gotta go get out of her sweetie call the cops go now. Ava ran to Chaise to Scott to untie him.

Derrick look! What the fuck Ava hurry hide..hide Scott whispered over there behind that old sheet rock wall.

Ava trip trapped down the wooden stairs with Derrick.

Who was here nigga's he asked rude and nasty.

Some vandals drug attics when they saw us tied up it scared them they ran off left us here.

Derrick took out his nine glock clocking it.

Belle you tried to get the truth from this fool and it didn't work baby.

The grave's are dug and the dirt is soft. I have the acid to burn faces, hand's, and tattoos.

I got the twenty bag's of lime and lined the graves with garbage bag's there ain't nothing else we can do Belle.

You drained the account's and collected the life insurance on this old nigga.

The police closed the case after the life insurance accepted Chaise's death as accidental.

Let's kill the two of them get on with it and get out plane baby.

Hey! Belle kicked Chaise hey nigga! Wake up nigga I'm sick and tired of your bullshit! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DOOOOO NIGGA!

Belle dragged him by his out grown hair as far as the chain allowed her. She pressed her foot on his wind pipe now tell Me! Wrapping the chain around his neck.

Okay okay I...I you are Daisy Deveroaux!

You're Daisy Deveroaux...the child of a woman I dated, she committed suicide.

Gimme that! Belle grabbed Derrick's gun she bent down pushing it into Chaise's mouth suck it lick it. Her rage was at an all time high there was a wild crazy vengeful look deep in her eye's.

Mandel knew that look in his business he'd seen it many times..right before someone's head was blown off.

You like that? Suck this medal dick ass hole.

Suck this shit because it's going to be the last thing you taste before your brains scatter on the wall behind you and your teeth drop like dice at my feet.

I ain't got time for game's nigga what the hell happened to my mother?

Why the fuck did you murder her?

My Wife for my Life (Book 3 Entanglement Series)©Where stories live. Discover now