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Chapter 13

Belle went home ran a long bath singing and floating through the house feeling undefeated on her high horse of deception and lies.

Her boyfriend rang the bell she opened the door remotely. He walked up the stairs to loud blaring rap music. Belle! The second floor was dark.  Belle jumped on his back knocking him to the floor. She ripped his grey sweat pants hopping on his dick thirsty and wild.

Belle fuck! AHh! AHH! AHH! she banged and bounced off him as hard as the could in the dark wrapping her tiny hand's around his neck choking him slow stealing breath, as she orgasmed seeing life leave his eyes as he came inside of her.

Belle let go, Anthony inhaled begging the air to fill his lung's quickly.

Belle put her foot in his chest, get me water bitch.

Haha, Belle get up off the floor it wasn't that bad big ass baby. Anthony hopped in her bed it was excellent slapping her ass for her personal confirmation.

Is that nigga dead yet Belle? I had no idea how long it could take a person to die from starvation. 

What about water Belle? I left about four gallons and a loaf of bread. How long ago? Seven day's.

That's fucked up haha. Left him a searated blade. For? Oh, just in case he wanted to slice his own throat.

I dulled the tip so he couldn't pick the lock on the chain.

Vicious haha shit give him some food Belle. He may get sick not eating food for a while then a big ole meal, his body hasn't digested a meal in month's.

Think of the satifaction you'll get watching him eat like a animal desperate, hungry, thirsty.

Buy a steak Belle. He loves steak Ant I think you're right Ant
thank you baby.

Don't thank me finish this shit so we can get back to us Belle. I'm tired of going to bed alone every damn night.

Okay baby dam, roll up for us I'll get the drink's.
I'm fucking serious Belle! I know Ant damn baby relax.

Ava was deep in sleep, she was back on her grandmother's back porch drinking her infamous sun brewed ice tea with fresh grown lemmon, sugar and piles of ice in a high ball glass.

It was a nice day not to hot just right. Her grandmother sat in her vintage rocking chair while Ava sat on the back steps.

What are you doing gal?
Nothing grandma. Don't you sit there lying to me Ava Monroe. Free your mouth of lies, tell me the truth how it be gal!

Ava looked at her grandmother ashamed. Chaise is in trouble he's been kidnapped by his new wife he said she's beating and starving him.

Tsk tsk tsk, and how you come by this dreadful news? He kinda called me? Kind of or did gal don't play word games with me chile. He did ma'am. How Ava? He said the only number he remembered with out his cell phone was mine.

Ava's grand mother laughed sipping her tea wiping her hand's on her worn apron. Haha, chile you in a pickle!

Grandma it's not funny the new woman is crazy she said if I cooperate with the cop's she's going to kill Chaise and leave him on my door step.

I'm scared of her killing him. No you ain't, you fraid of being blamed you don't care which way the wind blow about that fool after what he done and I can't say I blames you none.

Ava, you listen to me and listen to me square, God sit way up high and he look down low baby, and one glorious day all this as we know's gonna blow away and you gonna find your soul bowing before his throne.

Baby you don't want that man's blood on your hand's he ain't worth going to hell over.

You be smart like you been doing you got's to feed the devil with a long handled spoon child you hear me? Yes grandma.

You gonna be fine baby you alway's is.

Help him Ava, help him Ava, help him Ava, Help him Ava.

Ava woke abrupt, baby are you okay? What's wrong bae? Oh Adam! Ava cried in his arm's baby, baby what's wrong? Nothing Adam just a night terror. About?

A monster I have to get before it get's me.

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