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Chapter 15

Belle waited two and a half weeks to check on Chaise by now with no water or food she was hoping he was dead. The night before there were torrential rains and the ground was soft around the house making it easier for her to dig in his grave in the mud.

Belle had the grave picked out behind the house next to the railroad track's.

The track's were abandoned and no one would dig it up because it was an industrial park the city had no plans to destroy it any time soon.

Belle grabbed a gallon of water in case he was hanging in there prolonging his death.

She aimed  to keep him suffering until he realized exactly who she was. She was frustrated and irritated he didn't remember her.

She went to the abandoned house's basement, he was fragile stewing fourteen day old in shit, piss and vomit.

His hair dusty and over grown as was his beard with dehydrated dry chapped lips.

The debonair well dressed handsome player she knew was dead and this shitty thing once called her husband that she  knew emerged with half his mask off.

Well well well lookey here kicking him over with her pointy toe stilettos. She dropped the water on the floor the cap popped off splashing all over him, you stink sheesh.
Belle looked him to see mice and rat carcasses.

NO FUCKING WAY! hahaha! You ate mice and rat's nigga? Do you think that's safe? They lace the track's with rat poison.

Chaise held his happiness inside. She cracked a window to air the basement out. See there? Fresh sunshine and air.

The air felt good to him summer rolled over his warm face when Belle locked him down there it was spring. It felt like the beginning of summer.

She dragged her metal chair across the cement floor the high screeching sound  demanding what little attention span remained.

Well any luck Chaise? Striking a vouge pose.

He sipped water slow as not to waste it remaining silent.


I don't have anything Belle. You don't have anything or you don't want to tell me? I don't know Belle if I knew don't you think I would've told you?

You think I want to die here Belle?

Damn your breath is smoking! Hahaha! Oh man! She slapped her knee stomping her foot. I'll give you a solid hint because your time is limited.

You dated my mother. He looked to her clueless.

Damn nigga how many bitches were you fucking behind Ava's back? You're a triflin bastard.

I dated a few women with children. A few implies three Chaise.

It was way more then that Chaise snickered purposely rattling her cage, are you my daughter?

Haha, negro please!  You would ask that. Married and fucking your own child you look like a nasty ass pedophile.

What city? What state? Gimme something to go on Belle damn!

Who the fuck are you yelling at? Tossing cement pebbles at him, apologize!

Sorry ehe dropped the stone's. I'll stone ya ass to death in here that seems right considering what you did.

HELLO! HELLO! there was a knock on the door. She looked to Chaise say a word and Ava is a dead woman I promise you that! Chaise was quiet trying to see out the window.

Hello ma'am I work for the light and gas company these homes were marked condemned, I saw your car outside and wondered why you were here?

I work for New York City Lights, we're a real estate investment group here in the city. I was sent  by our capitol investor to see if the house's could be salvaged or was the area worth investing in.

Really? Wow I'm looking to purchase do you have a card? Not on me no. I'm sorry I didn't get your name ma'am?

Oh, Ava Dawson. Ok Ms. Dawson thank you, do you mind if I check the basement? We are making sure all current is cut in these old homes. We have been getting complaints of vagabonds and derelicts squatting in the area.

Oh I assure you it's cut see? She flipped a light switch up and down. Okay ma'am marking his pad saves me a trip down the steps thank you.

Anytime. Have a good day ma'am. He got in his van pulling away.

Ava? Hi I don't know if you're in a meeting but It's me your detective Scott, I'm got him Ava.

I found Chaise, call me as soon as you get this message.

Belle stood in the door way staring at the van as it sped out the abandoned homes parking lot thinking where was he going so fast?

She picked up her phone negro, we got a problem meet me at my house NOW!

My Wife for my Life (Book 3 Entanglement Series)©Where stories live. Discover now