Light's Camera Action

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Chapter 17

Yo! Yo man! Dawson! How long I been out? Dragging his barefoot over the dirty basement floor.

You been out a day Dawson. I know the water is salty but you have to drink man.

What did you say your name was? Scott Mandel I'm the private detective your wife hired.

Ex wife. No Dawson Ava is your wife, heart and soul. She's been working non stop to find you that's why I'm here.

You're my only Salvation Mandell and you're locked up with me how's that for irony?

Scott kicked him an apple eat, took me hours to get that to roll our way. Thank you wiping it clean on his dirty shirt.

Where are we Detective? Queens border of long island. Boat's I hear boat's detective?

Mariners harbor five miles west of here. Haha Chaise laughed a dry laughter rolling into a dry cough.

Here Dawson swish and spit, drink every five sips swallow, sliding a water jug across the floor to him.

Did you tell Ava where I was Scott? Didn't get a chance Belle and her goon got the jump on me.

Wait Dawson, I did tell Ava about a lead I found.

Belle went to a nursing home a few day's back to see a...he was snapping his finger's with his eye's closed trying hard to recall who she saw. I can't recall his name but there's an old man in a nursing home.

Were you seeing a woman who had a sickly father or grandfather?

Chaise rattled his brain not that I can recall Mandell.

Well brother Chaise we're going to be here a while all we have is time while I try and figure us a way up out of here.

Ava woke up listening to her messages, she tried Scott's phone it went straight to voicemail.

Ava shook her head worried about her private detective. She called his office and left a message on his voice machine.

She showered dressed and went to his office she walked down the long vintage hallway with doors on each side.

Each office renting a separate space it was the poor man's version of the building her office was in only six block's west of there and she'd bet a whole lot cheaper for which looked to be the same amount of square footage.

There was a photo studio where a man was taking picture's of a baby. A tax office, modeling school, and a security class school.

There was even a black skin care office that had a door with clear glass. The presentation of product made Ava take a picture to check the black skin care product on line.

She arrived at Scott's door knocking and ringing his bell trying the door, it opened.

Scott? Scott it's Ava Dawson? She looked on his desk and saw her file with her husband's name.

She put the file in her purse, his desk was messy with written on scraps of paper everywhere.

She checked them one by one and saw her name on a scrap with an address, Mariners Plaza Lane Queens? She whispered aloud tucking the number in the file in her purse.

Here! Ava heard an echoing voice warning her someone was in the hall, Ava ran into Scott's bathroom hiding in a cramped broom closet.

In here fool, Belle sat at Scott's desk doing what Ava did minutes before except she had luck.

Fuck! Pounding her fist on the cluttered desk pushing it's cluttered content to the floor angrily, anything in the file cabinets? No Belle this fool looked like a slob he probably never kept any file's.

Them old school detectives like Mandell keep it all up here Belle tapping his temple grinning.

Yeah bae mabey you're right. I am right Belle this weekend we are gonna end the bull shit kill both of them.

That body I paid for, was a dead ringer for Chaise the insurance company you used is none the wiser baby as long as we pay the Medical Examiner his money we are home free.

You're putting too much into this Belle, the longer Chaise stays alive the more we place ourselves at risk.

According to the insurance he has been dead for three month's and cremated but you got this nigga down in some basement alive and well.

You're putting us both at risk for what? Some silly ass revenge plot?

SILLY!? SILLY!? Nigga were you there when my mama left me? Were you! Belle I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry wiping her tears.

Let me go there and set it up first we had Chaise to deal with alone and now we gotta deal with this detective nigga, more people are finding out as we wait causing our body count to rise bae is all I'm saying.

We risk exposure please Belle. Let me have one more crack at him baby and if he don't fucking remember what he did then I'll let you have at him.

To finish it Belle? Yes baby to finish it. Thank God now you're talking business.

The insurance check from freedom insurance Belle I can't wait!

A twenty million dollar check arriving Friday Belle I'm so excited, that along with what we drained from Chaise's business account we're are set.

I done told you fool I'm sending that money back to Ava, I was never in this to hurt her she is just as much a victim as I am in all this fuck shit mess Chaise has us both locked up in.

Look at my Belle the saint haha, come on baby let's bail on this dump spitting on the floor.

They exited Scott's office the motion detection hidden camera still rolling.

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