My Wife for my life

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Chapter 21

CHOOO! What the fuck was that?

Derrick looked around pulling Ava by her arm out from behind the moldy sheet rock wall.

Derrick tossed her to the floor Ava scrambled to Mandel who pushed her Ava protectively behind her.

Derrick grabbed the shovel now I have to dig three graves FUCK! THIS IS YOUR FAULT BELLE!

No one is going anywhere unless this nigga here starts to sing like a damn canary. Belle stormed upstair's grabbing a kitchen chair dragging downstairs she slammed it in the middle of the floor close to Chaise. Fear gripped his face and swept across his eyes as he stared at the only woman he realized in his captivity that he ever loved.

Ava was dirty her bun unraveled and she was afraid.

Belle removed all the bullet's of her personal smith and wesson revolver placing one bullet in the chamber.

She stood behind Ava whirling it round and round the sound commanding undivided attention and respect. All eye's were glued on Belle no one dare say a word.

I'm going to ask the questions and if you do not tell me the unsalted truth im going to blow a hole in the back of her head.

You're wondering why i sat her so close to you? So you can see the fear and upset in her eye's. How her life is flashing before her eye's all she could of done or all she could become snatched away with one of these. Belle tossed a bullet in Chaise's lap.

What did you do to my mother Chaise?

Your mother committed suicide Belle.

CLICK! AHHH! OH God. Chaise tell the truth for once in your life!

I didn't murder anyone Ava. CLICK!.

Oh God Belle bent over about to throw up Derrick put a bucket next to her feeling just as nervous and jittery as she was.

Belle Ava is innocent you said she was a mentor to you baby why are you wanting to kill the woman who was a victim at his hand's just as much as you boo. Please bae we know what he did..we know.

Derrick I spent seven years in a Children's Psychiatric ward because I wouldn't admit or accept my mother was murdered instead of committed suicide. Belle wiped her face there is no fucking way I'm letting this murderer off that easy.

What happened to my mother? Chaise was quiet.

CLICK! Belle cried as tears dropped on the dusty floor below her.

What happened to my mother?

OKAY! okay! If I tell you, if I confess you won't kill Belle or Mandel you will let them go? I'll let Ava Go Mandel knows too much he goes in the ground with you.

Mandell was quiet struggling to keep the attention off of him.

You have my word on Ava Chaise that's because she was dragged into loving a monster.

Let's start over, I'll ask other questions she bent down kissing Ava on her cheek all the thing's a wife wants to know but never got answers to.

How long were you married to Ava before you had tour first affair. Belle? Ava wiped her nose with her sleeve it's okay I don't need to know anymore I'm happy now with someone else.

Ava you cant love Adam properly of you are holding twenty year's worth of questions in the deep chamber's of your heart.

If i didn't learn anything from being locked up in the psych ward I learned that people carry baggage for decades.

Those bags can break a relationship Ava. SECRETS! SECRETS! Can hurt us even if we don't know what they are ain't that right Chaise?

Today you're secrets are going to be revealed ALL of them so when demons usher you into hell you can enter with a clean conciousnes not that Satan will care, but we do nigga hehe.

Question one again how long were you married before you cheated on Ava?

A year Belle. With whom? Amy Simmons. Belle chuckled in disbelief that fucking slut, tell us the rest.

She had an abortion she said it was mine she was fucking a lot of men she picked me cause we were on the come up.

How many affair's during the thirty year's? They weren't affairs they were one night stands.

Whatever nigga don't sugar coat it! Over 100.

What Chaise? We can't hear you.
Over one hundred Belle.

How many miscarriages and abortion's combined? Belle put her hand behind her ear while Derrick sat on the steps making sure no one entered the house.

CLICK! The sound made Ava jump. Fifteen! Chaise you were--

A FUCKING MONSTER Ava you married a liar and a monster now that we've gotten round one out the way it's time for round two.

Why are you doing this Belle making me relive the most horrible time in my life? Ava wiped her eye's trying to hide her feelings from Chaise.

Ava didn't want Chaise to think he got the best of her she shut off the water works real quick.

Belle bent down pressing the gun in Ava's ribs.

Ava listen to me are you listening? Yes she replied with a cracked crying voice.

I saved you Ava, you were on a sinking ship alone for thirty year's. You thought you were on the boat with a man who honored, cherished, respected, and loved you when you were not.

You were sinking and you didnt even know it. I saved you Ava I stoppes you from drowning a horrible slow death. I made Chaise rip the band-aid off, I did but I did it for your own good.

He had you for thirty year's he robbed you of your creativity, love and respect.

Now look at you a respected hybrid publisher running a successful business that has taken twenty books to Netfix and Hunu deal's.

You did that Ava. You not Chaise. He tried to break you but you showed him who and what you are didn't you.

That you have a fine ass man now Adam. How do you know about Adam? I know everything about you Ava I told you you are my idol.

Then why do you want to kill your Idol? I don't I want Chaise to tell us what he did and he will do you know why Ava?

No Belle why?

You believe it or not are the only woman Chaise think's he loves.

In his twisted heart and mind he will not let you die Ava no ma'am.

What I'm offering is very simple you or Chaise Ava it's his choice.

Belle raised the shiny gun to her temple.

His wife for his life.

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