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Chapter 14

Ava hey girl it's me. Hey what you got for me? Girl you sitting down?I am. They are true. When? Five year's after the marriage Ava.

Something was wrong Ava. What? This fool talking about he'll give it to me on the next date. No way when is that? Tonight he said he just went in the record and got what we asked for he never checked to see why he needed it.

It's been day's since I heard from Chaise I'm starting to worry. Let us pray God will answer us any news from the private investigator? The police? Nothing yet girl but they both said they will follow up later in the day. Call me when you get news Ava? Sure will okay later.

Belle stopped by Ricky's steak house.

She ordered four inch tjick juicy steak with home made steak fries with a rich green organic salad.

Belle ordered a bottle of chilled red wine to wash it down.

Belle went to the basement, Chaise baby are you alive? He was blacked out on the floor. Belle ran a bucket of cold water from the slop sink she splashed the bucket on him.

Chaise opened his eyes, well baby you finally lost that fifty pound's you wanted you should thank me your back to the weight you were in your twenties.

Sit up I come bearing gifts. She took the steak out in the plastic plate.

Mmmm smell that? Belle cut the steak into small piece's maintaining her distance.

She rolled him a bottle water across the dusty floor Chaise desperately cracking it open drinking all of it.

Easy now I hear the body can go into shock after fasting and eating fast.

She rolled him two more bottles he drank one holding the other. Smart man, she pulled the steak dinner out of her picnic basket cutting the steak into strips one by one.

She ate some this is really good dipping it into A1 sauce. Did you like Al on your steak or ketchup? I can't recall.

He didn't answer she dipped a piece in Al and tossed it at him.

Catch it before it hits the floor I spoke with Ava, I think me threatening to kill you worked s
smacking her steak licking her finger's.

She threw the fries across the room by the handful. Eat em before they get cold tossing him ketchup packs.

Have you figured who I am? He was busy eating the morsels she tossed his way. Hey! He snapped his attention to her wickedly staring at her no I haven't.

Chaise how many women did you cheat on Ava with during your marriage? You can't be one of them because you are way to young.

Now you're on the right track! Yes, you're almost there! Think! He drank his water slow he was so fixed on food and the smell he couldn't think. She tossed the bowl to him the food spilling out on the dusty dirt floor inches within his reach.

Belle laughed maniacally recording him as he belly crawled to reach the morsels at his finger tip's touching the fat of the steak but missing the meat.

Look at you a lowly beggar she rested her shoe on the steak mashing it into the dirt pressing her weight on it moving it further away.

Belle spit on him kicking him in the face with her pointy stiletto pathetic you are.

She traipsed up the wooden stair's of the house either you free yourself with the truth of your sin or die here Chaise the choice is yours.

Chaise took a deep breath commanding himself not to cry, he removed his shirt landing it on top of the steak and plate pulling it closer to him. He grabbed what was left of the meat brushed it off he didn't want to waste water washing it he devoured the dirt infested meat morsel.

My Wife for my Life (Book 3 Entanglement Series)©Where stories live. Discover now