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Chapter 7

Ava was glad for the weekend to herself she needed the space to think, to act? Act on what she asked herself? You did all you could you reported it Ava as a good samaritan there is nothing more to do.

No matter how many times she reassured herself burned it in her thought's she knew it was a candy coated lie.

Hello Ava it's Chaise or what's left of me. I don't have any news. Did you tell the police Ava? Did you say I've been calling? The jury is out on that one.

This ain't you Ava this ain't you. Don't do this don't become--

What you made me negro? Cold hearted? Wicked? Evil? Diabolical?

You did that Chaise! You! You created the monster and now you don't like the way the monster want's to fucking play?
Ava cackled loud  maniacal proof she was beginning to unravel mentally.

Then Chaise you have the audacity the unmitigated gaul after walking out on our 30th anniversary to call and beg for help manipulating me into reporting your sorry ass to the cop's.

I hate you Chaise, the sound of your creepy ass voice makes me feel violated over and over you make me fucking sick!

I hope, no pray to God that Belle finishes what she started.

I loved you Ava thirty year's I loved you, I did. NO STOP Chaise! You don't get to use those word's, those beautiful unsullied word's,
I gotta go.

It took her thirty minutes to pull herself together she called her therapist to make a virtual appoitment for Saturday.

The morning came fast by ten a.m she was in front of her lap top she told her everything thought's Doctor Hyler? I want it to go away he won't stop calling. He need's your help if you tell the police possibly they can trace the call? If they mention it to Belle she's going to kill him I'm sure the police will tell her I'm the one who told Doctor.

If he's dead you're all the better for it yes? At least that's what you said five minutes ago Ava. Face the truth you care and there's nothing wrong with caring, you did your part Ava you reported it. I don't see why you need to go further.

So your not going to report it as a mandated reporter and therapist Dr. Hyler? Report what you already have? You already told them Chaise was missing.

Ava wiped her eyes thank you Doctor Hyler the session ended. 

The Doctor looked in front of her I did what you said please let me go.

Thank you Doctor Hyler, this won't hurt a bit Belle put a bullet between her eyes
humming oh happy day as she walked out the door leaving her slumped dead body behind her.

Chaise woke up shocked he wasn't in the after life. He had scraps for three weeks moldy bread, rancid water, resorting to eating rats.
Brown rain water coming from a leaky led pipe helped him stay hydrated.

He thought of Ava  deep down under all the bullshit he knew he was a fucked up person.  Being married to Belle showed him he had it good with Ava and they didn't make women like her anymore.

Was this God fixing him? Was he angry for him walking out on his wife of thirty year's?

He shook his head trying to remove demons they weren't going anywhere they were there to torture him, nag him by day and stab him by night drilling him with memories of his short comings.

Reminders he was blessed with an earth angel that he eargerly traded for a treacherous filthy lying demon.

Tears rolled down Chaise's face reality settling on his shoulder's heavy as bricks, Ava was in danger, her life in jeopardy all because of his lusts and sexual desires.

Chaise opened his eyes, a snake danced before him, he scrambled to the farthest wall of the basement. Now you run? Now you hide? You're going to die here in this filthy pit the snake hissed laughing aloud you is in deep fucking shit nigga.

Ava called Marvin Chaise's best friend, Marvin. No way Ava? What's up girl, long time. Yes it has been how are you? I'm well thank Allah and you? Blessed thank God listen Marvin I'm afraid I come bearing  bad news, Chaise is missing I called to see when was the last time you spoke with him?

Ava, we haven't spoken with Chaise since we found out what he did to you sis. Lillian was not happy with that shit and frankly neither was I. There are some things you just don't do and walking out on a woman that held you down for thirty five years with no reason or rhyme behind it is one of them.

I thought you all remained friends. Truth be told? A lot of us stop fucking with him behind that Ava.

I'll put my ear to the street I heard he still comes to harlem to hang out. I'll make some inquires and get back? Thank's Marvin tell lil I said hi. Tell her yourself we miss you girl. Thank you.

All this time she thought the friend's they shared embraced his decision.

Ava convinced herself they knew and were in on it when all along they hated what he'd done and iced him out for it.

Hello? Hi baby. Ava? Yes Adam I need your help
What's wrong bae? Nadia got her period and her mother ain't answering and her sister's are making this shit bad for her.

Can you come and help please I'm no good at this shit. Sure does she have a pad? Cecily gave her one. Do you have supplies for the girl's? Supplies? Jesus take the wheel, tell the four girl's to be dressed when I get there. Me too? No ladies only. Thank God. Haha.

Ava took her range rover truck because of the kids, hi Ms. Ava hello ladies Nadia you can sit up here with me. She felt special because Cecily always rode up front because she was the oldest.

Where are we going? Target for feminine products but they have to be left at your father's house agreed? Yes, they clapped excited each of you has $100 limit. They clapped and chattered excitedly. Nadia? You have $150 because its your special day. Nadia blushed thank you Ms. Ava. You're so very welcome young lady.

The girl's shopped and got tampons, pads, bath bombs, lotions and all the other stuff they wanted from their mother that she alway's said no to. They tried to get item's with more then one in the package.  Cecily used every dime in Clarence getting over fifty items with one hundred dollars. Wow Cecily you made out like a bandit! Thank you Ms. Ava i used some online coupons too. Such the thrifty spender would you like a summer job at my office as my procurement specialist? What's that? I'll tell you what you google it and call me to let me know what you think? Okay thank you for the opportunity. You're very welcome.

She took them for pizza and snacks then home. They were happy and jovial hugging and thanking her for everything. This is for A.J a playstation? Ava! I'll hold it for christmas. Okay. She went in her wallet then give him this the girls had $100 to spend and so should he. Oh baby thank you. You looked drained. Haha, I am, he leaned in kissing her hop in the back seat. Boy bye! Haha you want to come here Tuesday? Okay if you cook. What you want? Your ribs. You got it. Don't forget the tata salad on the side. Haha, yes ma'am.

Bye Ms. Ava! They waved good bye from the porch thanking her.

She loved kids and wondered why God never gifted them to her.

Hello? Ms. Dawson this is Detective Avery I've been assigned to your missing person's case. Yes. When did you say your ex husband went missing?

His secretary Roxie said three weeks why?

We found a body can you come identify it? I know its late. He is a married man it's best to call his wife. She's not answering ma'am...please.


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