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Around two weeks after the confrontation at school nothing was happening again

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Around two weeks after the confrontation at school nothing was happening again. Freddie and Beatrice kept their distance from all of us, he even apologised to Chuck and Tyler for the slur he used, I even heard a rumour that Beatrice and Freddie had been arguing like crazy since the incident during their detentions that their parents had managed to get them into instead of a suspension that was supposed to happen for the incident.

Life was getting a tad better, every day, I would go to George's grave and have a talk with him, just about school, friends, mom and dad, and then I would hand out down a letter, containing all my deepest thoughts that I didn't want anyone but George knowing about.

I became even close to the group. I sat with them all throughout lunch and we always saw one and other outside of school so my rule about getting through the rest of school friendless was definitely out of the window to say the least, but it was my best decision as I haven't smiled so much in a long time.

I even got a job at the diner I liked the look of in the main town. My dad was good friends with the chef/ owner of the place and because I showed the same qualities of my dad, he hired me no problem so every other day, I would work a few hours for a relatively good pay.

It was Saturday afternoon and I had a couple of hours left on my shift, starting at 8 and then finishing at 4 and I'd made plans with the guys to go see a movie at the theatre, which was one thing that would put a smile on my face.

"Any more coffee, My Shipman?"

I asks the elderly man, holding the coffee cup in my hand. He had become one of my favourite regulars, having coming here everyday without fail since the age of 16, 65 years ago!

"Always dear, you know me too well"

He beams. I chuckle kindly as I pour the coffee into his mug before heading back over the counter to talk to the older waitress, Gloria.

"Don't take this the wrong way sweetie, but I'm super jealous of how amazing you look in your uniform"

Her eyes scan the blue and white outfit, it was like something out of a movie and even I was obsessed with it.

"It's pretty, but you look amazing in it as well, Gloria so don't kid yourself"

She laughs loudly before heading away to greet other customers. I find ways to keep myself occupied and don't even give it a second thought as to when the bell for the door opens.

"Hey Jimmy, are the pancakes ready?"

I ask the chef, leaning up against the counter. He looks at me with a smile as he places the butter on the pancakes.

"Yeah here you go, to table 7 yeah?"

He says and I nod, thanking him before going over to give the table their food and that's when I see them: Beatrice and Freddie on what seems to be a date. I walk straight past them and I feel Freddie's eyes on me.

"Here you go. Is there anything else I can get you?"

The couple say yes and I grab my notepad and pen out.

"You're staring at her again, have you nothing better to do Freddie?"

I hear Beatrice say. I furrow my eyebrows but make sure to concentrate on both conversations.

"Just back off B, I'm not dealing with this today"

"Not dealing with this today? Freddie, since that little bitch has come into this school, it's like you're obsessed with her, she's all you talk about, I catch you staring at her and Brooke told me you told Asher that she's pretty"

"Fine you know what? I'm just gonna tell you how it is, you're a bitch Beatrice, a real one and I'm fed up of being your pawn in your games. It's because of you that mine and Chucks friendship is on a line so to cut the chase, We. Are. Done!"

He tells her. I hold in my laugh as the girl gasps as if she's better than everyone.

"Fine, I could get any guy in school, I don't need you anyway, you're not even the quarterback"

Beatrice storms out of the diner and I wrap up the order before heading over to Jimmy to put the order in and then I go to wipe down the counter.

"Yo, Cheryl?"

I hear Freddie say and I look up to see him sliding in to stool.


I ask, barely giving him another glance.

"Can I get a fruity pebble please?"

He asks kindly and I nod.

"Sure, I'll put it in now"

I go over to Jimmy and put the order in before going back over.

"$3.50 please"

He hands me $5 note and he declines the change. I go around the diner some more heading back behind the counter.

"You've been here an awful long time, any reason why?"

I ask, as I check my watch. He slurps up the last of his 3rd fruity pebble.

"It's your job to give me what I want and not get in my business"

He snaps at me, pushing the glass towards me.

"Hey, watch your mouth, you're not a drunk in a bar, you're in a diner"

I warn him. He sighs and raises his arms in surrender.

"Yeah that was uncalled for, I'm sorry"

He gives me a small smile. I shake my head before going to walk away before he stops me.

"But it was also uncalled for that you listened into a private conversation between me and my ex"

He tells me. I chuckle and shake my head before turning around and facing him.

"And what makes you think I did that?"

I ask, raising an eyebrow. He wriggles his eyebrows.

"On the fact that you didn't correct me or ask about the fact I called her an ex"

I stifle a laugh. He had a point, I should have thought about that.

"You got me there. Speaking of, I hope you're handling it okay, I know she's a bitch and was definitely a manipulative old hag towards you but from what I'm aware, you were together for a while"

I say, wiping at the counter. He hums and shrugs.

"I've been meaning to get away from her for a while, ever since you came into town"

My eyes widen and I look up to face him, seeing a cheeky smirk on his face.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean...you came here, mysterious, sad and looking incredibly beautiful and unique compared to the other girls here, plus you barely know me. So what do you say? Date tomorrow night at Appleby lake, going for a swim, it's incredibly beautiful this time of year"

He winks at me. I just stare at him for a while, before leaning forward and putting on a thinking face.

"No. You called me friend a slur, you've just broke up with your girlfriend, I'm not a rebound, I value myself way more than to be someone's last choice, sweetheart"

I tell him. He looks shocked as I wink at him.

"Cheryl, you're free to leave early"

Jimmy says.

"Well, I'll see you later"

I wriggle my fingers as I wave and walk away, leaving him dumbfounded.

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