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"So you did all this, because my brother cared about his reputation and me?"

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"So you did all this, because my brother cared about his reputation and me?"

I ask breathily as I hold in the pain from the bruises she had caused to my face. As she was telling the story, she would hit, all in my "pretty spots" according to her. It felt like I'd been here in an eternity.

"No. You see, I did this for love"

She says, pointing the knife at me. I scoff and chuckle.

"Then why bring my friends involved?"

"Oh well you know me: I tend to kill two birds with one stone, I'm gonna kill you because you got between me and the love of my life, and I'm gonna kill them because...they're fucking annoying"

She laughs at me. I ask her why Kora-Lee wasn't here, to keep her occupied.

"Oh she'll be here, and she'll bring her little Mommy and daddy and then they're gonna try and save the day before I kill them too"

"Why bring Eleanor and Daniel in to it?"

She smiles, that devil look in her eye.

"Because since killing George, I've felt a lust for it, and I'm gonna get rid of my lust, pretend to mourn and get on with my life"

As she says this, the door opens and Kora, Eleanor and Daniel run in.


I yell at them. Lorelei just smirks at them.

"Welcome to the show"

She waves her arms around.

"Let them go, Lorelei"

Daniel warns her calmly, taking the Benvolio approach.

"No way! The calm approach doesn't work with me old man"

She tells him. Daniel tries to keep Eleanor and Kora behind him.

"Well mommy and daddy, I'd go and save Galena and handsome Tyler"

"We're not doing anything!"

Eleanor yells at her. Kora steps forward.

"Mom, dad go get Lena and Tyler, make sure they're safe, she won't do anything to Cheryl or me, I promise"

Kora tries to tell them. Eleanor tries to compromise but Daniel says that's a good idea.

"You lay a hand on her, and I'll kill you with my own hands"

Eleanor warns her Lorelei just sneers.

"Oh don't worry about that"

She giggles. Dan and Eleanor run to the back room as Lorelei turns to face me and walks behind me.

"Want me to untie her hands?"

She asks and Kora nods. She cuts the robe before slicing my hand and pushing me to the ground.

"Why did you do that if you wanna kill me?"

I ask, swiping my hand at a cut on my lip, adding more blood to my face from the cut on my hand.

"I like my victims to put up a fight before I eventually win"

Suddenly Kora runs up to her, hitting her around the head and she falls to the ground. Still clutching the knife, she slashes at Koras leg and she yells in pain. Lorelei bolts up again and plunges the knife into her gut.

Koras face scrunches in pain as she stumbles back, clutching the stomach as she falls to the ground.


I yell out, rushing to her air and crouching to her aid, holding the blood in from the wound.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay, I promise"

Tears falling from my eyes as I plaster on a smile. She clutches at my shirt as her eyes start to flutter.

"No, don't you dare shut those eyes"

Her breathing starts to get heavier, clutching my my shirt.

"I'm sorry"

She stutters before her falls back, eyes wide open and I yell, inconsolable. I let go of her and stare at my hands, covered in both mine and Koras blood, feeling the urge to vomit.


I l lunge for her, hitting her face and pushing her to the ground, straddling her as I repeatedly beat her face, somehow dodging her swipes to stab me.

Eleanor and Daniel run back towards us, suddenly scarred by seeing their dead daughter. They both go to their daughters aid and cry while I restrain her.

"You guys need to call the police, I'll keep her like this, then you need go get Tyler and Lena"

I call to them.

"It's too late"


"They're gone. Hefner killed them"

I stop but tighten my grip of her wrists before facing them.

"He slit Lenas throat, strangled Tyler and then killer himself. It's too late"

I clench my eyes shut. Three deaths all at the hands of me.

"Call the police, and Freddie, everyone just.,.this ends now"

"They're already called, they should be here now"


Lorelei yells. I grab her hair and bang her head against the floor.


I grab the knife from her hands and throw it away.

"You're going away for a long, long time"

I whisper into her ear, smirking. I hear sirens and hesitantly, let go of her. She bolts up to run away but Eleanor gets in front of her and heabutts her.

"That's for my daughter, you crazy whore"

She spits, tears spilling onto her face. The police barge in, yelling with guns and we all step away from her to let them do their job. Freddie barges in and runs to me, taking me in his arms as I fall to the ground, sobbing.

"She killed them Freddie, she killed my friends, and my brother"

I sob hysterically into his arms as he rubs my hair.

"Shhh baby it's gonna be okay"

A police detective comes over and asks us to leave the building and to take me to an ambulance which he gladly does, taking my weight, due to the shock. He sits me down and I place my head on his shoulder.

"They did this, because of me. My brother...and my friends, are dead."

I say, staring into space.

"Hey, none of this is your fault, don't ever think that"

He assures me. I nuzzle into his neck and cry for a few moments before he taps me, signalling me to look up. Being pulled by officers and a few detectives, was Lorelei, an angry look on her face. I sit up and stare at her, before her eyes fall on me and she just stares at me, no look of emotion on her face as she's put in the car.

Behind her, were the body bags of the three victims plus John Hefner.

"You're safe now"

"Yeah...but my friends aren't here"

I tell him, eyes glued onto the body bags, as he places a kiss onto my temple.

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