Chapter 17

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The girls wanted to do one last nighttime adventure. Jasmine thought it over with her friends about what they should do. Casey suggested that they should go to a nightclub in town.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Nicole said.

"Yeah, I agree with you on that." Jasmine said.

"Well let's go then." Nicole said.

So the four girls went out and got all dressed up. Casey was just going to dance and not drink as she was pregnant with a baby on the way. The girls arrived at the club and grabbed a table to sit at. Jasmine and the girls ordered their drinks and then a few minutes later they got up to dance to the music.

Casey danced to the music as she listened to the words of the song. The other three girls were having fun dancing. A few minutes later a guy walks towards Jasmine and dances with her.

"So what is your name?" Jasmine asked.

"My name is Luke. How about you?" He asked.

"Mine is Jasmine. So who are you here with?" She asked.

"I'm just here with two friends. How about you?" he asked.

"I'm just here with my three friends. Why asking?" She asked.

"I thought we could have a little fun just you and me." He said.

"What kind of fun are you talking about?" She asked.

"Any Kind of fun if you are up for it." He said.

"I am up for it." she said.

"Well follow me then and I'll show you how to have fun then." he said.

I start to follow Luke towards a secret room. I wonder what kind of fun he was talking about. Luke then locks the door and he leads me to a bed which was in the room. Jasmine thought is he trying to makeout or have sex with me or both. Luke started to kiss Jasmine on the lips. Jasmine wanted to kiss him back but was afraid she would be cheating on Antonio.

"Come Jasmine, I thought you liked taking risks." Luke said.

"Well I do Luke." she said.

"Then what is holding you up then?"He asked.

"Nothing is holding me up Luke." She said,

"Then let's have some fun then." He said.

Luke then continues to kiss her and eventually they make love. Jasmine starts to moan Luke's name as she is loving the attention.

"You love that don't you Jasmine." He asked.

"Yesss I do Luke." Jasmine said.

"Are you having fun with me Jasmine?" He asked.

"I am having fun with you Luke, but I should get back to my friends." She said.

"Will I see you again?" He asked.

"I don't know as I'm flying out to India in the morning." She said.

"Oh, well it was good while it lasted then." He said.

Jasmine said bye to Luke and went to find her friends. Once she had found her friends they started asking her questions.

"I really don't want to answer questions right here. Maybe once we are in the car." she said.

"Sounds good to us Jasmine." Nicole said.

So they finished their drinks and listened to the band that was playing. After the band finished their set, the girls then went to the car to talk on the way to the hotel to get some sleep.

The next morning, The girls got up early to load up their suitcases into the car. The girls were going to check out of their hotel and start heading to breakfast before heading to the airport. Once they got to the airport and got on the plane, they started to relax a bit.

A few hours later,the plane had landed in India at the airport. The girls got off the plane and headed towards the baggage claim to grab their luggage. After grabbing their luggage, they went to find a hotel to stay at. Once they had found a hotel, they went to check in and get a room. Jasmine and the girls got settled into their room before going to explore.

"What would you like to see today?" She asked.

"I would like to see the famous Taj Mahl." Rosalie said.

"Sounds good to me. we can do that today." Jasmine said.

"So let's have some lunch and then go see the Taj Mahl." Rosalie said.

The girls found a place to eat. They talked about what they wanted to do while they were in India.

"I would like to see a waterfall." Casey said.

"I would like to see a palace." Rosalie spoke.

"Can we go shopping?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, we can go shopping." Jasmine said.

The girls all finished eating and started to head out towards the Taj Mahl. After getting to the Taj Mahl, the girls looked at with awe as it was the most beautiful building in India. They took pictures of it so they could put it in their scrapbook when they got back to the United States.

After they took some pictures, they walked around and explored a little. Casey stayed close to Rosalie as she didnt want to get lost. Rosalie talked to Casey about life and asked her if she wanted to be Amelia's godmother. She responded with a yes answer. Nicole and Jasmine were walking and taking in all the sights. After exploring for the afternoon, Casey needed to sit down as she was getting tired and needed a nap. Rosalie took Casey to the hotel and stayed with her while Jasmine and Nicole explored some more.

Nicole thought about how Reginald was doing. She couldn't wait to see him again. Jasmine thought about Luke and she couldn't get him out of her mind.

"Is there something you want to talk about Jasmine?" Nicole asked.

"Um, yes but in private." Jasmine spoke.

"Okay, we can go somewhere private." Nicole said.

Nicole found a place where Jasmine and her could talk. Nicole and Jasmine talked for a bit. Nicole listened to Jasmine while she talked.

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