Chapter Two-

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The girls waken up on Keith's bus and each of them got dressed before sitting at the table on the bus. Keith's bus driver Jay took them to a restaurant to have breakfast before the girls had to go to the hotel to grab their suitcases for the next flight. At the restaurant Jasmine protected Keith from the paparazzi since he is a celebrity. They sat down in a booth and the waitress walked over to give them a menu so they can look to see what they wanted to eat. Jasmine and Keith knew what they wanted and were waiting for Casey and Nicole to decide what they wanted to eat before they ordered. The waitress came and took their order. Keith held Jasmine's hand while they were at the restaurant. 

Jasmine asked, Keith what his plan is for the day.

Keith replied, "I'm probably going to the studio to write before heading home."

Jasmine said, "Are you going to tell your mum and dad about us Keith?"

He said, "Yes I'm going to call them baby don't worry."

She said, "I'm not worried baby."

The girls ate their breakfast and waited for Keith to finish eating and drinking his morning Coffee. Keith finished his coffee. The waitress came and handed the check to them.

Jay said, "I'm helping to pay for breakfast so it's on me."

The girls left a tip for their meal before heading to the lady's room. Keith went to the men's room while Jay paid for the food. After paying for the food Keith and Jay and the 3 girls headed to Keith's bus. Jasmine then gave Keith a passionate kiss on the lips. Keith smiled at the sight of the kiss he was getting from his fiancée Jasmine. Keith called his mum and dad on the phone once he was back on his tour bus. His mom picks up the phone and answers.

Keith's Mum says, "Hi Keith How are you my Son?"

Keith says, "I am doing good mum where is dad?"

Keith's Mum says, "He is on the couch watching tv."

"Can I talk to him?" he said. Keith was eager to listen to his father.

His mother brought the phone to her husband, getting his kicks in watching a show where the Australian military did their jobs saving people and taking care of bad guys. He received the phone.

His Father said, "Hi Son, how are you?"

Keith said, "I'm doing good Dad."

His dad said, "what have you been up to?"

He Said, "Dad and Mum I propose to a girl last night."

They asked, "Is she the one you want to marry?"

Keith says, "Yes she is my one true love."

His mum and dad supported and were happy for Keith their son that he found his soulmate.

Keith then said, "I just have 2 more shows then I'm done for this tour."

His parents both said, "we can't wait to meet her.''

Keith said "I love you mum and dad"

His parents said, "We love you too son".

So, he then said goodbye before hanging up.

Jasmine and her two friends Casey and Nicole told Keith that they had another flight to catch. They were going to London, England.

Keith said" I drive you girls to the airport on my bus."

The girls already had their suitcases on his bus, so they did not need to go back to the hotel. The 3 girls had already mapped out the agenda for London. The bus arrived at the airport and the Casey and Nicole grabbed their suitcases and thanked Jay and Keith. Jasmine gave Keith a kiss and said, "I'll be back as soon as I can baby".

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