Chapter 30 -Jasmine

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Jasmine got back from her trip with her friends. She showed her family the pictures from her trip. After showing her family the pictures she took, she uploaded them to her laptop.

Jasmine then texted her husband Antonio in Italy. She told him that she was going to pack her things in New York so she could move to Italy to be with him.

Antonio was already at the new house that he had bought for the two of them. He couldn't wait until Jasmine moved in. Jasmine got all of her things packed and ready to be shipped to Italy to the new house. Once Jasmine's things were shipped, she flew out to Italy and got to the new house where her things were already at the new house waiting for her.

Jasmine arrived at the new house in Italy and she kissed her husband Antonio on the lips. She was in a good mood along with her husband. They wanted to try to expand their family so that night they made love to each other. Jasmine and Antonio enjoyed it and loved it.

A Few weeks later Jasmine took a pregnancy test and found out that she was pregnant. She told her husband Antonio the good news and he couldn't believe he was going to be a dad. Jasmine started to work out daily and took prenatal vitamins everyday. She was going to put a fashion design studio in her home. She got one of the spare rooms in their big mansion. Jasmine was going to decorate the spare room to make it look like her design studio. She added a big desk in there to do her fashion ideas on. She also had her laptop as well.

Antonio was already at work for the day and was doing well at work. He was working on some songs for his album. He was writing a few songs about Jasmine for the album. He was in the studio for a while writing and recording songs. He couldn't wait to play the album for Jasmine, his wife. After he was finished in the studio for the day, He got in his car and headed home.

Jasmine was cooking dinner and she was making spaghetti. She was making sure that dinner was ready before he got home. She was setting the table like her mom taught her. After dinner was made, she sat the food on the table and waited for her husband to get home. Five minutes later, he pulled up in the driveway and parked his car in the two car garage. He went inside the house and got washed up for dinner as Jasmine was waiting for him. Jasmine was sitting at the table and waiting for Antonio to sit down so they could eat dinner. Once he sat down, they started eating dinner.

"How was your day, baby?" He asked her.

"It was good. I decorated my fashion studio a little bit. How was yours?" She asked.

"Mine was wonderful. I wrote some songs for my album so I just need to do the finishing touch." He replied.

"That's good. Have you thought of names for our baby yet?" She asked.

"How about Anna for a girl and Tobias for a boy?" He suggested.

"Those are some really good names and I love them." She told him.

A few months later, Jasmine went for another ultrasound to find out the gender of her baby.

The nurse looked for a heartbeat and found it. She then sees another heartbeat as well.

The nurse was shocked when she showed Jasmine. She was surprised at the fact that there were two heartbeats.

So She told her husband that she was having twins. Mr. Moretti was also shocked as well as he couldn't believe it. So they already thought of first names for the twins so they just need to come up with middle names.

"How about Anna Claire for the girl and Tobias Clifford for the boy?" She asked him.

"Sounds great to me." He spoke.

They went back home to set up the nursery for when the twins arrived. They got all the things that they needed for the nursery and then some. Jasmine was already not feeling great as her pregnancy wasn't the greatest. She has had back pain and so Antonio has been massaging her back to make her comfortable.

Jasmine is now 9 months pregnant and she has been relaxing on the couch when all of a sudden her water broke. She calls her husband Antonio to take her to the hospital. He takes her to the hospital and they arrived in time. He called for one of the nurses to bring a wheelchair and to wheel her up to the Labor and Delivery room.

It was time for Jasmine to deliver the twins. So they went to the operating room and got her set up. Once they got her set they started the c-section. The doctor grabbed one of the twins and it was a girl who came out first. They took her to clean her and weigh her. The girl was crying as she made her first breath of air. The doctor then looked to see how they were going to get the last twin out. The doctor talked it over and knew this baby wasn't going to be easy. It has a 50/50 chance of surviving. The cord was wrapped around the baby's neck which wasn't good at all.

The doctor got the baby out but he wasn't breathing at all. It wasn't looking good at all for the baby boy. The doctor had to clear his lungs to get him to breathe. After getting the cord off the baby's neck, he started to improve but he will need more care so he will be in the NICU for a while. The nurses then wheeled the boy off to the NICU. They closed her up before taking her to the recovery room. The nurse then comes and takes the baby's footprints and a picture for the hospital to have on record. Jasmine got to hold her newborn daughter Anna for a few minutes to try to feed her while her brother Tobias is in the NICU fighting for his life. Anna is responding very well to her mother as she is drinking milk from her mom. Jasmine hopes that her son will make a full recovery but it is all the doctor's hands.

A week later, Jasmine was able to bring home her son Tobias from the hospital. She already has her daughter Anna at home waiting for him.

It was a long journey for Jasmine and her husband Antonio.

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